From our family to yours
We wish you safe travels & many blessings as you gather with your family & friends this Thanksgiving!
Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Taxation without Representation is back on these shores yet that is why we became a country in the first place but this year there is no outcry against it?
Is no one aware that Mayor Trinks as well as other democrat mayors are on record saying they are more than happy to raise our taxes to “help” bail Hartford out?
Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Are you tired of hearing that there’s not going to be a tax increase & the budget is fine only to hear days after the election that there’s an accounting problem & oops golly gee guess we’re going to have to raise the taxes on the working families & businesses & it’s your family & mine that now has to scramble to pay for the corporate welfare & crony spending projects that have been paid for without our consent.
Wanted for being #TaxingTyrants
Vote Them Out!
Does the prospect of paying by the mile for each mile that you drive sound like a good way for your family to spend their money?
How about an increase in the fees that you pay for any license or document that you need at the town hall because of the budget cuts?
Do you have a professional license that will have it’s fees raised & a tax added to your service on top of that?
Then maybe it’s time to look to a New Person with a Different & New Way of Looking at how we should do things in the CT General Assembly…
Theresa Tillett is running for state senate to be that Voice For The People, her family is hurting just like yours from all of these increasing taxes & expenses.
We need a person that is part of the regular working class people fighting for our families up at the capitol because the career politicians have made a mess of our state.
We need a person with a Fresh New View; someone who will ask the questions “Why do we need it?” & more importantly “How much will it cost taxpayers or affect businesses?”
We need a person that is not owing favors to special interests but is answerable to the people who live in the district & understands that not everything that glitters is gold nor a good idea for our families that are already having problems paying their bills.
#VoteRowB this year on election day & let’s move CT towards the better road. Elect Theresa Tillett to the state senate to be the Voice For The People of the 2nd District.
Below is a video of the meeting in April which was held in West Hartford CT.
Two citizens Groups were formed after finding out about the secret back room deal between the democrat town council members, the MDC & Niagara Water Bottling Company to steal the water of the citizens of CT.
These are regular people who when pushed have quickly formed into action groups in an attempt to save CT from the theft of our water & being sent into a deep drought conditions like Georgia & California have been thrown into due to the water bottling companies going in & draining the wells thus breaking the water cycle.
The Q & A session is quite eye opening as residents ask questions about what is happening.
SB-422 is the Senate Bill which Beth Bye introduced in the senate & the intention is to put a moratorium on any future actions until after the Water Plan for CT has been developed.
The General Assembly is in session & the governor started it off with his State of the State speech, with Malloy sounding like the republican candidates who lost the 2014 election for talking points.
After the lies of the last election cycle stating the state budget was fine… then it was made public we were drastically in the hole so not only did not the $55.00 dollar rebates get issued in 2014 but the state was going to need to go into an emergency session to “fix” the problems later on…
In 2015 Malloy was caught claiming that he would not propose raising new taxes but… then signing the 2nd largest tax increase in CT’s history. So really no one actually believes the Malloy lie of no tax increases or new taxes being added
So to start 2016 Malloy decided to change his talking points & use the republican talking points about needing to not spend money that we do not have.
The question is what will the General Assembly do now?
Some issues that are being spoken about in the news are Casinos & TollBooths & of course the Overbearing Taxes that are driving the major employers Out of the State & along with them their employees who pay both Income & Property Taxes to our state & towns…
Will the General Assembly cut out the excesses & the corporate welfare that has been going on or will they hit the CT Families with additional problems & taxes in Nov after the elections have been secured?