Category Archives: Fun

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TbT- SNL Election Night 2016

In this election year it’s only fitting to have a ThrowBack Thursday of the 2016 Election Night from the SNL crew


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Our Year in Review today courtesy of SNL

This was a funny skit featuring Dave Chapelle as the sole black man in a room full of white democrat voters while watching the election results coming in.
2016 has been a very crazy election cycle for presidential history in real life… a treasonous woman under federal investigation was nominated for the democrats & a reality tv social media savvy businessman was nominated for the republicans. It has led to some very crazy newscycles & with it the SNL crew have been having a ball taking pot shots at both sides of the aisle although they clearly lean left in their political views.
Enjoy as we prepare for the next 4 years of something clearly different as we look towards the new year when we officially start a new administration in 2017.  

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Happy First Day of Winter

Welcome Winter…. or not 

Yes it’s the First Day of Winter some are celebrating…

others of us are not so we’re already counting down to spring (just a mere 90 days away?)

Thanksgiving Traditions at Our Home

What family traditions do you celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with? Below is a clip of some of ours.

Some Traditions in our home watching Christmas Specials & Watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

Cast: AvonCTStyle

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Be Safe this Halloween 2018

Be Safe this Halloween 2016

Oh my be safe out there this Halloween, there’s wicked witches, clowns and politician’s out there!

Enjoy the Halloween holiday from #TeamTillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Happy New Year 2018!

Welcome 2018!

Happy New Year to Everyone!




If You Ain’t thought of Murder, You Aint Been in Love @ Bluebird Cafe

#Artful8ths – to celebrate the end of summer I’m resharing my friend Paul’s video enjoy  


Cross Posted Item from another Tillett for CT project

Today my #Artful8ths post is sharing a video of a friend;

Paul “PEZMan1963” Z.; who has left CT )0;}

PEZ; as he is affectionately known by many, left only partly due to the high cost of living…
Like many who have left CT he was sick and tired of getting his pockets picked by our elected officials and the crazy government overreach. 
#MalloysMess has chased many friends and family out of CT

CT’s loss has been a #Win for the Music & TV world 

PEZ transplanted to Nashville and is on his way to #FameAndFortune 

So one day I’m going to get a Signed Copy of his “Gold Record” when he hits it big…

(0;} Then I can brag #IKnewHimWhen {;0)

All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer C. Wrotnowski B.Tillett Co-Treasurers Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Happy Independence Day 2017

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend

From our family to yours Happy Independence Day

Celebrate Freedom and Liberty this July 4th

Please be safe while swimming, and BBQing

Please Don’t Drink and Drive this weekend

Always use safety precautions if you will be using fireworks this summer