Monthly Archives: April 2020

Democratic Debate Cocktails #AprilFools 2020

Enjoy the #AprilFools silliness as we deal with the presidential craziness this year..

Just this funny reminder of what 2016 was like…

Hey Pass me a cocktail there’s another speech going on

LOL Have a Happy #AprilFools Day

Let us know what pranks you fell for or that you pulled this year in the comments below (0;}


Cross Posted Item from another Tillett for CT project

A #SaturdaySilly as well as a set of #AprilsFoolDay celebration cocktails

All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer C. Wrotnowski B.Tillett Co-Treasurers Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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