Category Archives: Capitol

July 2016 Month End MoneyBomb

We’re coming to the end of the month & the start of the heavy election season

We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.
Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?
These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us.
We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.
The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.
Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards?

Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.
Oh they love to say it’s just a little tax but it’s slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.

We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,

End of Mth 2016 MoneyBomb Star RWB
Show your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.
Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen’s Election Qualification Funding Goal of $15,000.00 so that we can go into battle fully armed.
Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.

CT Primary Voting April 26th

People are excited about this election, primaries aren’t normally high in people coming out to vote but there is a big number first time voters & conversions of parties this election so the turnouts are higher than normal…

Did you plan to vote in the Primary on April 26th & were you able to vote?

If you live in CT we have Closed Primaries so You can only vote in the Party Primary that you are REGISTERED With, many people knew that they were either UnAffiliated or Registered with a Different Party & changed to Republican during the proper time period so they could vote in the Primary on April 26th.

Some people did change but not in the proper length of time; which in CT is 90 days prior to a Primary if you are Registered with a Party to change to another party before you can vote in a primary to prevent any funny business with the voting & candidate selections at the conventions.

Sadly there were people that never voted in a primary before so they did not realize that all the years that they have been voting they were actually registered as a Democrat or as UnAffiliated or in one of the many 3rd parties that CT has so that when they showed up to vote their name was not on the book & they weren’t allowed to Vote on Tuesday April 26th.

Were you one of those people?

Were you surprised at your Voter Registration Party Affiliation when the Moderator Called the Registrar of Voters’ office or were you surprised about the rule requiring you to be Registered with the Party in order to vote in the Primary?

Were you given the option to Register into the Party? fed up vote republican

#SaveOurWaterCT April 5th Meeting

Below is a video of the meeting in April which was held in West Hartford CT.

Two citizens Groups were formed after finding out about the secret back room deal between the democrat town council members, the MDC & Niagara Water Bottling Company to steal the water of the citizens of CT.

These are regular people who when pushed have quickly formed into action groups in an attempt to save CT from the theft of our water & being sent into a deep drought conditions like Georgia & California have been thrown into due to the water bottling companies going in & draining the wells thus breaking the water cycle.

The Q & A session is quite eye opening as residents ask questions about what is happening.

SB-422 is the Senate Bill which Beth Bye introduced in the senate & the intention is to put a moratorium on any future actions until after the Water Plan for CT has been developed.


Casinos TollBooths & Taxes Oh My

The General Assembly is in session & the governor started it off with his State of the State speech, with Malloy sounding like the republican candidates who lost the 2014 election for talking points.

After the lies of the last election cycle stating the state budget was fine… then it was made public we were drastically in the hole so not only did not the $55.00 dollar rebates get issued in 2014 but the state was going to need to go into an emergency session to “fix” the problems later on…
TAX on back of bent over man

In 2015 Malloy was caught claiming that he would not propose raising new taxes but… then signing the 2nd largest tax increase in CT’s history. So really no one actually believes the Malloy lie of no tax increases or new taxes being added
ct car license im broke

So to start 2016 Malloy decided to change his talking points & use the republican talking points about needing to not spend money that we do not have.

The question is what will the General Assembly do now?

folded dollars made into house

Some issues that are being spoken about in the news are Casinos & TollBooths & of course the Overbearing Taxes that are driving the major employers Out of the State & along with them their employees who pay both Income & Property Taxes to our state & towns…

Will the General Assembly cut out the excesses & the corporate welfare that has been going on or will they hit the CT Families with additional problems & taxes in Nov after the elections have been secured?

Show Us Your Neighborhood – Send Pictures

Show us your neighborhood in pictures or short video clips

Show the Good, the Bad, the Beautiful & the Ugly in & around CT

Tell us what you Love & Hate about CT
Have an idea or suggestion about what you would like to see us do in CT share your idea.
“We the People” means you & me & each of us taking an active part in making our Constitutional Government work.

Paris Attacked

Feeling some mixed emotions over the attacks in Paris.
There was the initial shock of the attacks just like back on 9-11-01 of “Oh My God those poor people”…

There was confusion as reports came in of the multiple locations & different types of attacks & social media & news sources were all reporting different things as they got information

But then there was anger like when the 3rd plane hit realizing that we were under attack when hearing about the hostages at the concert location…

Anger that such an attack was made against innocent people
Anger that the the elected officials allowed for such an attack to occur because they aren’t using common sense
Anger that here in the USA such an attack could also happen yet the people aren’t demanding that our elected officials stop with the madness that allowed such attacks to occur but are again promoting taking away rights of law abiding citizens of the USA

Paris France in Mourning, Prayers & Flowers being left at locations of attacks

Today the French went to war with the people who attacked them.
The people while in mourning brought flowers & prayers to the sites of these terrible attacks.
Meanwhile the police were in search mode to get to the facts of who these men were, the elected officials & the military advisers went into action to protect their citizens.

The French Borders were announced CLOSED for the refugees.
The military set about marking it’s targets. Then today they sent planes to drop bombs on the their enemy.

France is making certain that the world understands that it is not to be viewed as weak & it will retaliate swiftly when attacked.

Read about the French Military Response here

What are our elected officials going to do here in the USA to protect us?
Why are the elected officials & some candidates talking about climate change being the primary danger to the USA when we see events like this happening?

Road to 270 Electoral Map

To win the Presidency it’s not just the Popular vote but the Electoral College Delegate Votes that are needed to put the man or woman into the highest office of the land

Below is a map showing the current votes from the Electoral College as they currently stand
The map is interactive & I’m guessing as the days go forward the map will be adjusted as new information comes in

Map created at