Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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This has been a very Hot & Trying Summer Season for All of Us.
While I’ve been out door knocking I’ve been thanked for running, wished good luck & only experienced 2 rude people.
I am enjoying getting to meet people in the district & as I’m out door knocking & collecting signatures.
I’m running into some people who I’ve not seen in a long time since our children are grown.
The down side of being out campaigning so far has been the weather – this heat is crazy to be out walking in.
I was also a magnet for those small yellow & black striped bees. I was stung at the concert on the green in Windsor last night. I was going to try to ignore it but even with ice it was swelling so I had to go limping off the town green needing assistance to carry my chairs & little cooler back to the car.
So today I won’t be out walking around I’m feeling a little better but my knee still hurts as I’m walking this morning getting ready for the day, most of the swelling has gone down but it’s still red & sore.
This weekend I will start typing up some of the discussions & questions that I’ve been asked by people that I’ve been meeting. I may possibly do a video response to a couple of them if I’m able to get the problem with the mic figured out.
Have a Beautiful Day (0;}
Hello Friends & Family both Near & Far;
Have you #HadEnough yet?
I need your assistance to help STOP #MalloysMess with your word of mouth spreading the news about this new invasion into our families wallets!
My campaign is small compared to the goliath of the democrat machine that my opponent Eric Coleman has both in manpower & cash available to spend.
But we must not quit just because the odds are great & the fight is rough – I’m not a quitter & neither are you!
We must All do our part working together to Fight the Good Fight. Tooth & Nail, Leaving It All On the Battlefield,
Gov. Malloy has thrown his support behind the Mileage Tax.
This is a perfect opportunity for those of you who are writers to send letters to the editor and social media posts & memes stating that you oppose the enactment of this tax. We must educate our friends & neighbors & coworkers about what is going to happen to us
This not only is a new tax but also is an example of government being able to monitor its residents every move via the gps recording your every trip to the store, classes for your children & your friends & family around the state & country.
We MUST Defeat the democrats this November otherwise this tax WILL Go In Place!
As you drive around the rest of this week I challenge you to think about how much It Will Cost You once this new tax is put into place. Every trip to & from work, to the store for food or parts for the DIY project or trips to pick up the children to & from games & practices, to church …
EVERY TRIP Taxed by the Mile… Dannel & the Democrats will know where you’ve gone the route you took to get there & that is in addition to the nation’s 3rd highest gas tax in the nation!!!
We are losing our freedoms daily & we MUST not sit home crumbling over dinner, we MUST Stand Up & Say NO MORE!
We MUST Vote out the #TaxingTyranny
to Spread the Word,
to Donate what you can afford to the campaign
to Door Knock
to Call your friends & family
to Volunteer to work with the campaigns
Republicans have another way, there is the Better Plan the Senate Republicans put out regarding transportation.
Put out originally in 2015 & updated in Feb 2016
Help me to #FlipTheGeneralAssembly this November & #VoteRowB!
Thank you
Theresa Tillett
*** Thank you for your support ***
Theresa Tillett – Candidate State Senate 2nd Dist
Connect with us on our journey to the capitol on the web & social media;
Tillett for CT campaign
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People are excited about this election, primaries aren’t normally high in people coming out to vote but there is a big number first time voters & conversions of parties this election so the turnouts are higher than normal…
Did you plan to vote in the Primary on April 26th & were you able to vote?
If you live in CT we have Closed Primaries so You can only vote in the Party Primary that you are REGISTERED With, many people knew that they were either UnAffiliated or Registered with a Different Party & changed to Republican during the proper time period so they could vote in the Primary on April 26th.
Some people did change but not in the proper length of time; which in CT is 90 days prior to a Primary if you are Registered with a Party to change to another party before you can vote in a primary to prevent any funny business with the voting & candidate selections at the conventions.
Sadly there were people that never voted in a primary before so they did not realize that all the years that they have been voting they were actually registered as a Democrat or as UnAffiliated or in one of the many 3rd parties that CT has so that when they showed up to vote their name was not on the book & they weren’t allowed to Vote on Tuesday April 26th.
Were you one of those people?
Were you surprised at your Voter Registration Party Affiliation when the Moderator Called the Registrar of Voters’ office or were you surprised about the rule requiring you to be Registered with the Party in order to vote in the Primary?
Share to remind your friends
Primary Day in CT for the Presidential Nominees is a few months away.
While so many eyes are on the interesting events going on at the debates
We do have the local town elections only days away
Are you tired of the increasing taxes & less services & failing schools?
Are you tired of the bullying going on at the town hall meetings, closed door deals & being ignored by the elected officials?
Then this election you need to change the make up for the Town Council & Board of Ed
The democrats have been in control for so many years they are arrogant
They ignore the people coming in to the meetings asking questions
They disrespect us when we come in stating our case that We The People Need Tax Breaks & we are hurting
Are you tired of being marginalized when we say we do not want the wasteful spending?
If you are tired of the insults & name calling when you disagree with the democrats…
Then it’s time to Vote in the Entire Republican Slate this year
Change Must Begin With YOUR Vote this year
The discussion is quite interesting over at facebook, several pages have gotten this video passed on from the page “Save Connecticut 2014”
The video which is being discussed has been seen previously late 2013 or maybe early 2014 but the video is important because although the men & women speaking in the videos are from another city (Detroit?) they all very well could be men & women right here in the inner cities of Hartford, Bridgeport or Waterbury.
While the democrats in the top tier refuse to debate with the Republicans they run attack ads that mislead & lie while they avoid talking about their records.
The video points out that it’s the democrats in charge that have ruined their lives.
In CT this is also true with our democrat controlled general assembly.
Due to having Republican governor’s that have vetoed some of the outrageous spending our state’s demise has been slow to total ruin until the past 4 years.
Now the democrat controlled general assembly is up for re-election, many following their top tier leadership refusing to show up for debates to defend their actions or misdirecting away from the reality of their “plans to raise taxes again”
Will you re-elect men & women who have given us the income tax, raised the sales tax & are planning tax increases every time they talk about how they’re going to change CT?
Are you going to say no to raising taxes & shrinking paychecks?
Are you going to say no to corporate welfare & cronyism?
Are you going to say no to outsourcing of taxpayer money?
Do you want to continue on the same downward path to bankruptcy?
Then Will You VOTE Republican to change CT?
If you fail to speak up with the power of your vote then you are part of the failing system we have