Tag Archives: 2016

Alveda King on Common Core

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Dr Alveda King talks about Common Core in this video

She does not feel that this is a good educational option for our children, especially children of color who are already in disadvantaged urban schools

Our children deserve Quality Education.
Our parents deserve to have the option to send their children to Quality Schools rather than being forced to stay in the union corporations being run by the government.
Our parents DESERVE to be able to CHOOSE the school their child attends.

The tax payer money that is being shelled out should be going to the Quality Schools that parents want their children attending not only to the union corporations being run by the government. The Unions in the Government Schools care only about money instead of teaching our children the skills they need to learn to become productive self reliant individuals that can run businesses of their own creations.


If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for by the Tillett for CT Campaign C. Wrotnowski & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Fox News + Google present the 7th Republican Debate

I posted this originally back in january  when the field was “huge” on the Republican side… I’ve got a few questions as I reread the post 9 months later…

Now that the conventions are over & there are only 2 major ticket candidates on all 50+ ballots with 2 minor party candidates attempting to get that access & the attention of the media; I am wondering will the 3rd party candidates be given a spot on the stage?

How much participation we will see from the public & social media networks in these very important debates coming up? Will you be sending in questions by video or tweets or facebook if offered the opportunity? Will you be watching at either a Debate Watching Party or will you be watching from home or will you not bother watching?

Will we see a repeat of the biased debates where the moderators will be attacking Donald Trump while giving Hillary soft ball questions or will we see a debate where actual policy questions are asked?

What are your thoughts? Leave your comments & questions that you have below


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
The #GOPDebate small stage starts at 7p.
Then the main big stage debate will start at 9p.

The main stage will be missing Donald Trump; who will be holding his own event to benefit veterans on CNN.

It is reported that both Rick Santorum & Mike Huckabee will attend Donald’s event after they finish their small stage debate.

If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for by the Tillett for CT Campaign C. Wrotnowski & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Which Direction CT? #YouHaveAChoice

We are at a crossroads in the 2nd District, and in the state…

Are we going to make a change or are we going to stay on the same old failed path over the fiscal cliff?

ct car license im broke

Have you taken a look at your paycheck recently? Seriously how much of your paycheck is taken out due to the CT State Income Tax? Do you look around & see any value for the amount of money that is coming out of your family’s paychecks each pay-period?

It’s been 25 years ago that elected officials like Eric who lied to us about the tax remaining small & being only temporary forced this tax upon us…

Did you watch or actually attend the Tax Protest Rally at the capitol back then?

income tax protest oct 5th 1991

Hartford CT Income Tax Protest 10-5-1991


What are YOUR Thoughts & Feelings on the direction of our state?

Do You feel we’re heading in the right direction or do you feel that we need men & women that will “Listen to the People” that are working hard & paying these increasing taxes?

Leave your comments below

#HadEnough ? then come join us in fighting the #TaxingTyrants that are in Hartford

Sign up Today https://tillett4ct.com/volunteer/


Poll – 25 Years CT Income Taxes

Quick poll – check all that apply

This is the 25th anniversary year of the CT State Income Tax that the Democrat Majority in the General Assembly put into place. We were told that the Income Tax would be "Temporary" & remain at the "same low rate" in exchange our Sales Tax was lowered & would also remain at the "new lower rate". These Promises have been broken Repeatedly by the career politicians many who have been in elected offices for over 30 years. Do you feel that our elected officials have Lost Touch with the People & Do Not Care that they are Harming Our Families with these Increases in Taxes & Cutting of Human Services?

Yes I feel that they have lost touch
Yes My Family has been harmed by the cuts in services
Yes I lost my job because the company left the state due to the increased taxes
Yes I lost my job because of state budget cuts
Yes my family has less money to spend because of increased taxes
Yes I feel the elected majority do not care about my family
Yes I feel the elected majority say anything so they can get elected/reelected then break their promises
Yes I feel they break their promises I'm still waiting for our promised $55 refund from 2014
I don't pay taxes
I don't pay attention to politics so I do not know what promises were broken
Please Specify:

Sage Quotes

Share the poll

Have you #HadEnough Yet?

#YouHaveAChoice the status quo or a #FreshNewStart

On the Campaign Trail 2016

This has been a very Hot & Trying Summer Season for All of Us.

While I’ve been out door knocking I’ve been thanked for running, wished good luck & only experienced 2 rude people.

I am enjoying getting to meet people in the district & as I’m out door knocking & collecting signatures.
I’m running into some people who I’ve not seen in a long time since our children are grown.

The down side of being out campaigning so far has been the weather – this heat is crazy to be out walking in.
I was also a magnet for those small yellow & black striped bees. I was stung at the concert on the green in Windsor last night. I was going to try to ignore it but even with ice it was swelling so I had to go limping off the town green needing assistance to carry my chairs & little cooler back to the car.

Knee bee sting 1


knee bee sting 2


So today I won’t be out walking around I’m feeling a little better but my knee still hurts as I’m walking this morning getting ready for the day, most of the swelling has gone down but it’s still red & sore.

This weekend I will start typing up some of the discussions & questions that I’ve been asked by people that I’ve been meeting. I may possibly do a video response to a couple of them if I’m able to get the problem with the mic figured out.

Have a Beautiful Day (0;}

#HadEnough yet? Mileage Gas Tax IS Coming!

Hello Friends & Family both Near & Far;

Have you #HadEnough yet?

MalloysMess remember that no more taxes promise

I need your assistance to help STOP #MalloysMess with your word of mouth spreading the news about this new invasion into our families wallets!
My campaign is small compared to the goliath of the democrat machine that my opponent Eric Coleman has both in manpower & cash available to spend.

But we must not quit just because the odds are great & the fight is rough – I’m not a quitter & neither are you!
We must All do our part working together to Fight the Good Fight. Tooth & Nail, Leaving It All On the Battlefield,

Gov. Malloy has thrown his support behind the Mileage Tax.

This is a perfect opportunity for those of you who are writers to send letters to the editor and social media posts & memes stating that you oppose the enactment of this tax. We must educate our friends & neighbors & coworkers about what is going to happen to us

This not only is a new tax but also is an example of government being able to monitor its residents every move via the gps recording your every trip to the store, classes for your children & your friends & family around the state & country.

We MUST Defeat the democrats this November otherwise this tax WILL Go In Place!
As you drive around the rest of this week I challenge you to think about how much It Will Cost You once this new tax is put into place. Every trip to & from work, to the store for food or parts for the DIY project or trips to pick up the children to & from games & practices, to church …
EVERY TRIP Taxed by the Mile… Dannel & the Democrats will know where you’ve gone the route you took to get there & that is in addition to the nation’s 3rd highest gas tax in the nation!!!

We are losing our freedoms daily & we MUST not sit home crumbling over dinner, we MUST Stand Up & Say NO MORE!
We MUST Vote out the #TaxingTyranny

to Spread the Word,
to Donate what you can afford to the campaign
to Door Knock
to Call your friends & family
to Volunteer to work with the campaigns


Republicans have another way, there is the Better Plan the Senate Republicans put out regarding transportation.
Put out originally in 2015 & updated in Feb 2016

Help me to #FlipTheGeneralAssembly this November & #VoteRowB!

Thank you
Theresa Tillett

*** Thank you for your support ***
Theresa Tillett – Candidate State Senate 2nd Dist
Connect with us on our journey to the capitol on the web & social media;
Tillett for CT campaign

WebSite = http://TillettForCT.com
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/tillettforct
Twitter = http://Twitter.com/Tillett4CT
G+ = https://plus.google.com/u/1/103209423017770273182
YouTube = http://YouTube.com/Tillett4CT
VoiceMail 24/7 = 641-715-3900 ext 327977#
Donate = https://causes.anedot.com/c223e3893f05b982a3053

Busy Busy Busy

Haven’t posted an update in awhile because I’ve been busy.

While I’ve been busy around & about knocking doors & attending community & commission meetings & events…

The Elected Officials have been quite busy as well, working on ways to raise our taxes!

A Taxation Q What is Theft Correct

On July 1st a slew of new laws & taxes were put in place
The costs for purchasing just about everything has gone up nationwide but then on top of that the CT taxes did too!

#ThanksMalloy & thanks to the members of the majority party #DemocratsRaisingTaxesAgain our families suffer.


The Republicans offered a budget that would have cut spending but kept the services needed for our families but the democrats in the capitol wanted nothing to do with the republican budget…

When you see Eric Coleman & Brandon McGee & David Baram & Doug McCrory walking around in the 2nd District; ask them why they refused to save the public taxpayers money by reducing the amount of the CEP Funding?

Ask them why; if there is no one else running against them on the CT GOP side, did they not agree to eliminate the CEP Grant entirely?

Check out the bottom of page 8 for the amount of our taxes going to their campaigns http://www.ct.gov/seec/lib/seec/2016ga/cep_overview_2016_final.pdf

I mean really why does Eric Coleman need $95,710.00 thousand dollars to run his campaign?
Why do our state reps need $28,150.00 if they have CT GOP opposition or $8,445.00 if they have no one running against them?
Really if they are the ONLY person on the ballot they still get to party with our tax money to the tune of $8,445.00!

Yet they raise our taxes while cutting the services that are needed so they can party?
Is that fair? Hhhmm you know there are some people’s whose whole mortgage is $90k in Hartford,
yet they get to blow that money for some fun for their friends during election years???…

Think about that the next time you’re at the store buying groceries & can’t afford to buy as much as last month or last year.

Call me when you have #HadEnough
641-715-3900 ext 327977# it’s a 24-7 voicemail so call anytime

We’ll be out door knocking & collecting Petition signatures over the next few days.
If you would like to join us be certain to call & let us know where you’re at so we can arrange to swing by.
Theresa would love to meet your neighbors so she can talk about why she is running for office.