Author Archives: AvonCTStyle

Tillett for CT Presents: Had Enough We Need New CT Solutions

This is one of my campaign videos from 2014 and 2016 when I ran again Eric Coleman who retired in January 2017 rather than taking his oath of office and seat. (I re-edited and re-uploaded it in Dec after attempting to lower the background noise)

How much has CT changed since I made this video is the question that runs through my mind as I contemplate another run for the office of state senate in the 2nd district

Do my people have a voice up in Hartford that listens to our concerns for our families living here in this needlessly overly expensive state?

Is it worth staying in CT or do we throw in the towel and flag down a moving truck to follow family and friends who have left already?


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Tillett4CT Presents: Had Enough We Need New CT Solutions

Thank you for your support any & all donations are appreciated towards the Elections Funding Goals as set by the state of CT
Connect with us on our journey to the capitol on the web & social media

Mail: Tillett for CT campaign, PO Box 602, Windsor, CT 06095

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VoiceMail 24/7 = 641-715-3900 ext 327977#

Tillett for CT campaign – Treasurer J McGovern 2014 M Vesco &  C Wrotnowski 2016 L Orme 2017 B Tillett co-Treasurer

Created & Approved by Mrs. Theresa Tillett

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Today in History for August 17th

Today in History August 17th


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All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer Cort Wrotnowski Byron Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Happy New Year 2017!

Please Drive Safely Tonight



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Happy New Year 2017!

Happy & Blessed New Year in 2017!

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Alveda King on Common Core

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Dr Alveda King talks about Common Core in this video

She does not feel that this is a good educational option for our children, especially children of color who are already in disadvantaged urban schools

Our children deserve Quality Education.
Our parents deserve to have the option to send their children to Quality Schools rather than being forced to stay in the union corporations being run by the government.
Our parents DESERVE to be able to CHOOSE the school their child attends.

The tax payer money that is being shelled out should be going to the Quality Schools that parents want their children attending not only to the union corporations being run by the government. The Unions in the Government Schools care only about money instead of teaching our children the skills they need to learn to become productive self reliant individuals that can run businesses of their own creations.

If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for by the Tillett for CT Campaign C. Wrotnowski & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Fox News + Google present the 7th Republican Debate

I posted this originally back in january  when the field was “huge” on the Republican side… I’ve got a few questions as I reread the post 9 months later…

Now that the conventions are over & there are only 2 major ticket candidates on all 50+ ballots with 2 minor party candidates attempting to get that access & the attention of the media; I am wondering will the 3rd party candidates be given a spot on the stage?

How much participation we will see from the public & social media networks in these very important debates coming up? Will you be sending in questions by video or tweets or facebook if offered the opportunity? Will you be watching at either a Debate Watching Party or will you be watching from home or will you not bother watching?

Will we see a repeat of the biased debates where the moderators will be attacking Donald Trump while giving Hillary soft ball questions or will we see a debate where actual policy questions are asked?

What are your thoughts? Leave your comments & questions that you have below


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The #GOPDebate small stage starts at 7p.
Then the main big stage debate will start at 9p.

The main stage will be missing Donald Trump; who will be holding his own event to benefit veterans on CNN.

It is reported that both Rick Santorum & Mike Huckabee will attend Donald’s event after they finish their small stage debate.

If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for by the Tillett for CT Campaign C. Wrotnowski & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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August End of Month Money Bomb

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
We’re coming to the end of the month & the start of the heavy election season

We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.

Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill?

These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us. We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill.

The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.

Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards? Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes.

Oh they love to say it’s just a little tax but it’s slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.

We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,

End of Mth 2016 MoneyBomb Star RWB

Show your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.

Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen’s Election Qualification Funding Goals so that we can go into battle fully armed.

Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.

All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer Cort Wrotnowski Byron Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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