Category Archives: #RoadToTheWhiteHouse

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C is for Clinton TV

Go ahead & have a laugh & share this little jingle on your social networks today

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

A little tune to sing today; as we prepare for the Presidential Debate tonight…

A reminder of some important things & the reason may of us are saying 
#NeverHillary #CrookedHillary

Share on social so that others can be reminded or even just educated about those annoying little facts = youtube link#nq

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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To Trump or not to Trump? by AlfonZo Rachel

With the last debate this week & WikiLeaks almost daily adding new items for the public to view on what #HatefulHillary & the #DNC Campaign teams are doing what are your thoughts on the presidential candidates?

Are you supporting Donald Trump the outsider looking to come in to correct things so that we’ll have more jobs & a Better America

or are you supporting the #StatusQuo with a candidate with blood on her hands & a corrupt history who plans to continue with the current administrations plans with it’s failed policies & decline in jobs & employment opportunities & increased taxes, tyranny & loss of #Freedoms

or have you decided to vote Third Party

Leave your Thoughts & Comments Below

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

AlfonZo Rachel gives his thoughts on Trump…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Fox News + Google present the 7th Republican Debate

I posted this originally back in january  when the field was “huge” on the Republican side… I’ve got a few questions as I reread the post 9 months later…

Now that the conventions are over & there are only 2 major ticket candidates on all 50+ ballots with 2 minor party candidates attempting to get that access & the attention of the media; I am wondering will the 3rd party candidates be given a spot on the stage?

How much participation we will see from the public & social media networks in these very important debates coming up? Will you be sending in questions by video or tweets or facebook if offered the opportunity? Will you be watching at either a Debate Watching Party or will you be watching from home or will you not bother watching?

Will we see a repeat of the biased debates where the moderators will be attacking Donald Trump while giving Hillary soft ball questions or will we see a debate where actual policy questions are asked?

What are your thoughts? Leave your comments & questions that you have below


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
The #GOPDebate small stage starts at 7p.
Then the main big stage debate will start at 9p.

The main stage will be missing Donald Trump; who will be holding his own event to benefit veterans on CNN.

It is reported that both Rick Santorum & Mike Huckabee will attend Donald’s event after they finish their small stage debate.

If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for by the Tillett for CT Campaign C. Wrotnowski & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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