Enjoy the Christmas holiday with your family & friends
Please Drive Safely after the holiday celebrations
If you’re not yet familiar with this news site you should go on over & catch up on the news that the local media does not cover… many times they (WTPH) are the source for the Breaking News that the major media get their story ideas from yet rarely give this valuable news site credit for.
Click the “Go to Source” link below to view everything in full
Full article and community commentary can be found on We the People Hartford Kevin Brookman Editor & Lead Investigative Reporter
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FreedomProject Academy’s Academic Director, Dr. Duke Pesta, was recently doing a radio interview when a parent called to talk about the amazing education her son was receiving from Grace Christian Academy, and online private school partner FreedomProject Academy.
★ Learn more. fpeusa.org/partnership
★ Special thanks to Grace Christian Academy for allowing us to produce this video. Learn more about GCA at gracechristianpulaski.org
Cast: FreedomProject
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Many of us are also tired & frustrated with what is happening in our state & in our country, some changes were made in the general assembly in CT this past election but the lame duck session will begin shortly.
We need to not only show up in our town halls to complain about the new taxes that are being proposed; but we need to show up to protest against the forced Regionalism being pushed to pay for the mismanagement of the city tax monies. Regionalism is being pushed so the costs of which the city mayors are trying to pass off onto us taxpaying homeowners in the suburbs.
Can YOUR Family Afford to pay for the mismanagement of sanctuary cities like Hartford, Bridgeport & New Haven? Can Your Family Afford to pay for another failed stadium like the most recent failed backroom deal of Dunkin Stadium in Hartford?
Are you even paying attention to the news to know what is happening? As the democrats volunteer to Raise Your Taxes (remember each time the government says New Revenue Sources they are looking at YOUR WALLET) Stealing the money from Your Family to pay for the corruption in the democrat run cities for decades & generations? Where does it stop? At what point do you have to say ENOUGH?
Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
The meeting that will be at the West Hartford Town Hall on Tuesday Dec 6th is supposed to be started at 7pm so if you intend to go to speak out against the stealing food out of our families mouths to allow Luke & Dannel & the other sanctuary cities to continue to waste money on crazy projects then show up early & carpool in to bring your taxpaying friends with you
Be sure to share this with family & friends so they are made aware of the Town Hall meetings promoting the una21 REGIONALISM tax raising scheme being promoted
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Had this in drafts for the longest time & finally went ahead & published it
We’re in the process of becoming “Successful Quitters”
The only Quitting that is acceptable is quitting an addiction to cigarettes or any other unhealthy habit that has taken a strong hold in our lives.
Although not fully smoke free Hubby is almost & I have cut down on the number which I’ve been smoking with the help of the e-Cigs.
Think that in Jan we’ll try to totally give up the tobacco & just use the vaporizers until we can give those up too.
Anyone looking to also give up smoking in the coming new year? Want to start a “Quit Club”, a support group online & off to get through the rough patches? Any successful quitters want to chime in on how you dealt with the quitting process?
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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This video is only addressing one of the many commissions which are currently not properly “staffed” so that they can meet & do their jobs… the big question is why is this being allowed to happen?
Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
Are the people living in Hartford aware of this problem?
If they are why are they not demanding that these seats be filled with people from the community?
Have they been demanding that these seats be filled only to fall on the deaf ears of the mayor & his wife?
Where are the former commission members from all of the commissions that were removed & until their replacements are properly installed?
They need to be back in place; this is why there is so much corruption going on in city hall, there is intentional dysfunction of the process.
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Wayne Dupree Live Stream from Nov 14, 2016
Media bias in CT failed to inform the CT Voters that all along there were Blacks & Hispanics that were supporting Donald Trump all across the nation. With the media bias in CT there wasn’t full & truthful reporting about the issues for the country or the state.
Even still today in CT the media bias fails to report upon the racial incident that occured on the left side of the aisle while trying to create one on the right side of the aisle where one did not exist.
#WhitePriviledge is the name of the cover up game this post-election season, SHAME on the major media in CT for not calling on the carpet the #CyberBullying that was done when the “Priviledged White One” decided to attack the Black Woman for not towing the plantation party line since this election hasn’t gone their way.
But that is for another post, stepping off my soap box for the moment because life calls
Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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