Category Archives: Trump

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Become a Leader with True the Vote

Will you take the time to make certain that Your Vote Counts?

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

There have been reports all over the country about cases of #VoterFraud that has been uncovered. 

We have had an elected official a state rep that was arrested for voter fraud right here in CT… 
But as of yet we haven’t heard of the case going to court nor if the charges that were pending against her mother (from what I recall she was also an elected official at the town level?) were ever filed?

These are not isolated instances but ongoing problems that are being on rare occasion being publicly reported but not much is changing because those who need to prosecute the cases appear to benefit from the voter fraud… 

Even if there is no financial benefit and if the officials that should be taking action are not taking part directly in the fraud their refusal to act publicly gives the “Appearance” that they are in favor of the voter fraud…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Dinesh Dsouza’s Hillary’s America Leaked

Did you pre-order the dvd or are you going to the store to pick up your copy today?

When we head out for the errands & events for the day I’ll be checking to see which stores have the dvd in stock & which do not.

Have you seen the movie already or will watching it on dvd be the first time watching it?

I’ll be looking forward to reading your comments below


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Have you seen the movie “Hillary’s America” yet?

I went with a group of friends (one family of 4 included just graduated teens) to see the movie on Sunday opening weekend.
It was very worth going to see it in the theater on the big screen not just with your conservative friends & family but show it to some of your teens & college aged young adults & your liberal family & friends. 

Dinesh Dsouza spoke during a break at the RNC at the InfoWars news studio & explains what the film is about.

The DVD will be released on October 11th, you can preorder it now at Not certain if they’ll be selling the video in the actual stores some of his videos & books they do & others they choose not to. 

If you pre-order it; have it sent to the store for pick up & maybe that will encourage them to have a supply in stock for the rest of the public to purchase too. I have never seen 2016 Obama’s America in the local WalMarts but I was able to buy the dvd of his movie America. 
Hopefully this dvd will be in the stores so that it will be available to the general public.

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Fox News + Google present the 7th Republican Debate

I posted this originally back in january  when the field was “huge” on the Republican side… I’ve got a few questions as I reread the post 9 months later…

Now that the conventions are over & there are only 2 major ticket candidates on all 50+ ballots with 2 minor party candidates attempting to get that access & the attention of the media; I am wondering will the 3rd party candidates be given a spot on the stage?

How much participation we will see from the public & social media networks in these very important debates coming up? Will you be sending in questions by video or tweets or facebook if offered the opportunity? Will you be watching at either a Debate Watching Party or will you be watching from home or will you not bother watching?

Will we see a repeat of the biased debates where the moderators will be attacking Donald Trump while giving Hillary soft ball questions or will we see a debate where actual policy questions are asked?

What are your thoughts? Leave your comments & questions that you have below


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
The #GOPDebate small stage starts at 7p.
Then the main big stage debate will start at 9p.

The main stage will be missing Donald Trump; who will be holding his own event to benefit veterans on CNN.

It is reported that both Rick Santorum & Mike Huckabee will attend Donald’s event after they finish their small stage debate.

If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for by the Tillett for CT Campaign C. Wrotnowski & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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