Category Archives: #HadEnough

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Blacks voting and supporting Trump

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Have you been checking YouTube for examples of who is & who is not supporting the presidential candidates this year?

More importantly asking the question WHY Should You Support a Candidate, look past the party & start looking at the issues that they say they support & 

1) Ask does the policy plan “sound good”?


2) Then ask the big questions of “How will it be paid for?”

3) Can YOU Afford to pay for it because Nothing is FREE 

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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An encounter at the Pittsburgh International Airport about my shirt.

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

This man explains why he’s voting for Donald Trump this election

He’s not buying the lies of the commercials that have been in the mass media that has been promoting Hillary Clinton & points out that the real racists have been Hillary & Bill

He’s voting for the president that is going to benefit his children & his family now & in the future

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Register to Vote

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch!

For the record because I was asked…

When I’m posting a youtube video as part of my commentary in my blog posts;

I make my commentary normally above the video but the title of the blog post is the title of the youtube video as found and named by the creator of the video.

In this manner they get full credit for their work and that is why sometimes my commentary and the video posted are not in agreement with each other.

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Although this video was made by a Jewish man speaking to his fellow Jews, I think this is a video which everyone must watch 

While watching ask yourselves who are YOU listening to & have you actually done any research on the issues or the man?

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Diamond and Silk Call Wayne Dupree 8/25/16

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Wayne Dupree & Diamond & Silk discussed the recent attacks by the left in their attempt to destroy & discredit both citizen reporters of the New Media as well as candidates Donald Trump & Mike Pence.

Have you #HadEnough yet?

Are you ready to try something different?

When the left has no solutions they Attack Personally in an attempt to Destroy the Opposition

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Hillary Clinton. A Picture of White Privilege by AlfonZo Rachel

Ask yourself who are you voting for & WHY?

Do you REALLY know what the issues are & where the candidates stands on those issues?

Are you voting just because the person has the same party that you have been voting for all these years?

Are your reasons for voting based upon the opinions of others?


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project #nq

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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To Trump or not to Trump? by AlfonZo Rachel

With the last debate this week & WikiLeaks almost daily adding new items for the public to view on what #HatefulHillary & the #DNC Campaign teams are doing what are your thoughts on the presidential candidates?

Are you supporting Donald Trump the outsider looking to come in to correct things so that we’ll have more jobs & a Better America

or are you supporting the #StatusQuo with a candidate with blood on her hands & a corrupt history who plans to continue with the current administrations plans with it’s failed policies & decline in jobs & employment opportunities & increased taxes, tyranny & loss of #Freedoms

or have you decided to vote Third Party

Leave your Thoughts & Comments Below

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AlfonZo Rachel gives his thoughts on Trump…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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