With the last debate this week & WikiLeaks almost daily adding new items for the public to view on what #HatefulHillary & the #DNC Campaign teams are doing what are your thoughts on the presidential candidates?
Are you supporting Donald Trump the outsider looking to come in to correct things so that we’ll have more jobs & a Better America
or are you supporting the #StatusQuo with a candidate with blood on her hands & a corrupt history who plans to continue with the current administrations plans with it’s failed policies & decline in jobs & employment opportunities & increased taxes, tyranny & loss of #Freedoms
Ask yourself do we need something else that will close more businesses & hurt more families?
Do we need for our elected officials to stop attacking the small business owners & start cutting out the expensive projects that while are nice things to have but we just can not afford right now?
Is your job one of those that was killed off by the #DemocratsRaisingTaxesAgain ?
Will your job be next on the chopping block? Can you & your family keep on paying these increasing taxes? #YouHaveAChoice this November the Status Quo or a #FreshNewStart … Choose wisely #ElectionsHaveConsequences
Had Enough Yet of the #TaxingTyrants in our current out of control one party ruled government?
Are you tired of hearing that there’s not going to be a tax increase & the budget is fine only to hear days after the election that there’s an accounting problem & oops golly gee guess we’re going to have to raise the taxes on the working families & businesses & it’s your family & mine that now has to scramble to pay for the corporate welfare & crony spending projects that have been paid for without our consent.
Wanted for being #TaxingTyrants Vote Them Out!
Has #MalloysMess put a dent in your family pocketbook?
Does the prospect of paying by the mile for each mile that you drive sound like a good way for your family to spend their money?
How about an increase in the fees that you pay for any license or document that you need at the town hall because of the budget cuts?
Do you have a professional license that will have it’s fees raised & a tax added to your service on top of that?
Are you Ready for a Fresh New Start?
Then maybe it’s time to look to a New Person with a Different & New Way of Looking at how we should do things in the CT General Assembly…
Theresa Tillett is running for state senate to be that Voice For The People, her family is hurting just like yours from all of these increasing taxes & expenses.
We need a person that is part of the regular working class people fighting for our families up at the capitol because the career politicians have made a mess of our state.
We need a person with a Fresh New View;Â someone who will ask the questions “Why do we need it?” & more importantly “How much will it cost taxpayers or affect businesses?”
We need a person that is not owing favors to special interests but is answerable to the people who live in the district & understands that not everything that glitters is gold nor a good idea for our families that are already having problems paying their bills.
#VoteRowB this year on election day & let’s move CT towards the better road. Elect Theresa Tillett to the state senate to be the Voice For The People of the 2nd District.
As we approach the final days before the elections what have you been doing to get yourself educated about the issues & what the candidates actually stand for?
A post from earlier this year I’m sharing here
Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
Sonnie Johnson talks some actual history that we in the Black Community need to rethink…
This is an older video of hers & she’s located in another state but as you watch…
Look around you & see if what she is saying can be applied right here to Hartford…
All Politics are Local…
Who have we voted into office?
Town Council, State Level & Federal;
Are they “Working For US” which as elected officials they are Our Employees or just to line their own pockets with an Attitude that they are better than us?
Are we thriving or are we “Just Over Broke”,
Are we Prospering or are we Pinching Pennies?
Ask yourself WHY is that?
What conditions are our schools? Have our children been the priority or is our tax money being syphoned off into schemes & stadium pipedreams?
What is going on in our public schools? With all of the money which has been poured into one “experimental program” after another has the School to Prison Pipeline been shut down or is it still flowing strong?
You Have a Choice this November…
the old Status Quo with more of the same results or
a Fresh New Start with eyes that look from the perspective of what it is like to actually have to LIVE under these laws & increasing taxes…