Primary Day in CT for the Presidential Nominees is a few months away.
While so many eyes are on the interesting events going on at the debates
We do have the local town elections only days away

Are you tired of the increasing taxes & less services & failing schools?
Are you tired of the bullying going on at the town hall meetings, closed door deals & being ignored by the elected officials?
Then this election you need to change the make up for the Town Council & Board of Ed
The democrats have been in control for so many years they are arrogant
They ignore the people coming in to the meetings asking questions
They disrespect us when we come in stating our case that We The People Need Tax Breaks & we are hurting
Are you tired of being marginalized when we say we do not want the wasteful spending?
If you are tired of the insults & name calling when you disagree with the democrats…
Then it’s time to Vote in the Entire Republican Slate this year
Change Must Begin With YOUR Vote this year
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