Tag Archives: Republican

Friday Night Fun Texas Hold’Em in Enfield CT

Relax after a long work week with the Enfield Republicans who are hosting a night of Card playing Texas Hold’Em style!

Come on out enjoy good food good friends and have a general good time.

Have any questions email the Enfield RTC Chair MaryAnn Turner at [email protected] or call Kevin Fealy at 860-745-4649

MaryAnn Knows How to Throw a Party so don’t miss out!

Texas Hold'Em Party 5-5-17 Enfield CT

5-5-17 Texas Hold’Em Party Enfield CT $50pp starts 6p

Costs: $50 per person

Location: 5 Peerless Way in the cafeteria of the Peerless Tool building

The doors open at 6pm

The Texas Hold’Em Game will begin at 7p

You may get lucky and win one of the many prizes before the night ends.

This fundraiser is open to the public, come on out and have some fun while supporting a good cause.

Be sure to Share on Social

Sharing is Caring


Coalition Building – Can we work together?

Can the Right and the Left build bridges and coalitions to be able to make the state and maybe the country a better place?

Can we find common ground to start from to solve some of the problems we face?

Map of CT Divided into 5 Congressional Districts

Map of CT Divided into 5 Congressional Districts


Can Conservatives, Republicans, Unaffiliated, Independents, Democrats & Liberals find the common ground & work together to solve the many problems in our state and country is a question that I’ve been mulling around since last week when 2 democrats showed up at a conservative meeting in late Feb that was accidently posted publicly comparing it to the town hall meetings where the “Indivisible” group members were in a “Lovefest” with the democrats vs the Bullying that was done at the republican town hall meetings….

I have friends and family that are democrats as well as republican, libertarian and unaffiliated like most of us do and when it’s a one on one discussion even if we do not agree 100% on the issues we can talk civilly and agree to disagree on some items all of the people I know agree that the destruction of property that is being shown is just plain wrong.

One thing that I have noticed is that my right leaning friends know more about many of the issues but my left leaning ones do not. In fact it seems that my left leaning friends are surprised to hear about some of the issues because they’ve not been told about the items which are the problems because the media many times do not cover an issue in full or at all…

Many times the issues that the right side groups have are not spoken about in the media or if they are the media has such a warped coverage that it’s more “propaganda” than actual news coverage…

While the leaders of the right have no real outreach into the public their message and information is not getting out to the public but the leaders of these left-wing groups have the megaphones of the liberal left-wing media newspapers, television news and radio.

One question is why is only the left-wing given the ear of the public that the right just does not have? Where can people go to get educated on both sides of the issues?

How can people work together when the proper information is not put in front of them so that Informed Decisions can be made by the public? When people have both sides of an issue we can talk about what the problems are and how we can solve the problems.

What are your thoughts about what can be done to correct this problem? Leave your thoughts below in the comments.

Other important questions you should ask yourself is “Who Benefits from an Misinformed or Under-Informed Public?” and “Why are the media going along with this?”.


Election Day – 8am Did You Vote Yet?

Reminder It’s a Special Election Today

So I’m sharing the reminder post from last year’s election


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Have you gone out to vote yet?

The polls opened at 6am so they’ve been opened for a while you still have some time but PLEASE make a serious effort to get out & VOTE!

If you have already voted GREAT now call a friend & those members in your household that are registered to vote to remind them to go out & VOTE too!

#VoteRowB to end the #TaxingTyranny !

button Your Vote Counts round RWB-Stars
Filed under: #TeamTillett, Business, Civil Rights, Constitution, Elections, Family, Life in CT, Questions, Spending, Taxes Tagged: #CTGOP, #CTPolitics, #GOTV, 2016, Business, Education, Family, Jobs, Taxes

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Author: TillettForCT

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Mom Endorses Partnership

There are many educational options that are available to those with money but for those in the lower income brackets & higher family expenses there are few options…

If we stop pouring money into the failing public school system & instead focus upon the needs of the students rather than the wants of the public school administrators & teachers unions then positive changes will begin to happen; both in the public schools as they are forced to compete for the students as well for our families & children & our nation as a whole

Better Educated Students (rather than Indoctrinated & Socially Promoted Students) are able to make wiser decisions. They are able to either find work or create their own jobs by going into business for themselves.

With the recent court ruling; ordering CT to fix the problem of the funding of the schools & the disparity of the education offered throughout CT, by having the money follow the students parents will be able to choose the best educational options for their children. What is “Best” for our children many times does not coincide with what is “Best” for the Teachers Union or the promoters of the Common Core materials or what is “Best” for the Testing Companies – all of whom are looking out only for their “Best Interests” which to them are their taxpayer funded Paychecks.

FreedomProject Academy’s Academic Director, Dr. Duke Pesta, was recently doing a radio interview when a parent called to talk about the amazing education her son was receiving from Grace Christian Academy, and online private school partner FreedomProject Academy.

★ Learn more. fpeusa.org/partnership

★ Special thanks to Grace Christian Academy for allowing us to produce this video. Learn more about GCA at gracechristianpulaski.org

Cast: FreedomProject

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Peruta Off the Cuff 2016 12 03

This video is Ed Peruta venting his frustrations over what is happening in CT cities vs the suburbs

Many of us are also tired & frustrated with what is happening in our state & in our country, some changes were made in the general assembly in CT this past election but the lame duck session will begin shortly. 

We need to not only show up in our town halls to complain about the new taxes that are being proposed; but we need to show up to protest against the forced Regionalism being pushed to pay for the mismanagement of the city tax monies. Regionalism is being pushed so the costs of which the city mayors are trying to pass off onto us taxpaying homeowners in the suburbs.

Can YOUR Family Afford to pay for the mismanagement of sanctuary cities like Hartford, Bridgeport & New Haven? Can Your Family Afford to pay for another failed stadium like the most recent failed backroom deal of Dunkin Stadium in Hartford?

Are you even paying attention to the news to know what is happening? As the democrats volunteer to Raise Your Taxes (remember each time the government says New Revenue Sources they are looking at YOUR WALLET) Stealing the money from Your Family to pay for the corruption in the democrat run cities for decades & generations? Where does it stop? At what point do you have to say ENOUGH?

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Ed Peruta of American News Network speaks up against the #Regionalism & the Stealing of the Taxes being promoted by Mayor Luke Bronin of Hartford for the surrounding suburban towns…

Can YOU Afford to have YOUR Family’s money Stolen so that #BrokeBronin & his cohorts can continue to spend the money on any crazy idea that they have to benefit their special friends?

The meeting that will be at the West Hartford Town Hall on Tuesday Dec 6th is supposed to be started at 7pm so if you intend to go to speak out against the stealing food out of our families mouths to allow Luke & Dannel & the other sanctuary cities to continue to waste money on crazy projects then show up early & carpool in to bring your taxpaying friends with you

TAX on back of bent over man

Be sure to share this with family & friends so they are made aware of the Town Hall meetings promoting the una21 REGIONALISM tax raising scheme being promoted

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Private School Partnership (FP Academy)

I was talking with a woman earlier this year about the need for there to be more affordable ways to start private affordable charter schools & I recently came across this video that does offer one option.

Thought I’d share it because others are thinking they also want to get their children out of the failing public school systems.

Start Your Own School! FreedomProject Academy is partnering with Churches and Private Schools as part of our mission to Faithfully Educate America.

More information coming December 2016!

Cast: FreedomProject

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Tax Increases Coming

It was Margaret Thatcher who said “The trouble with socialism is that eventually you always run out of other people’s money” wasn’t it?

Rather sad that this cycle there hasn’t been the same excitement & activity against the new taxes like there was to defeat the Windsor budget the other year… if there was then there would be no question about the races this year & it would be a resounding NO to all of the Taxing Tyrants most of whom are career politicians

 Unless the tax paying voters of CT do not wake up this year & vote Row B we’re going to be in for some serious tax increases coming & going which will not only hurt our families wallets but also put our safety at risk as there is a plan in place to quietly sell of the Brainard Airport so that the MDC can become Land Developers & use the land instead for Apartments & their select friends can profit while our water rates will likely raise again for the cleanup of the contaminated land

Eric is going to be voting not only to give us the mileage tax which will be increased to pay for the crazy plans that they are proposing for the “transportation plan”


Eric will also be voting to give us the forced regionalism with appointees that are not elected nor accountable to We the People. We’ll be forced to pay without any input into what types of taxes & what they will be applied to.

So that means we’ll be paying for the Hartford stadiums & any new crazy plans that Mrs Bronin & her friends come up with in addition to other corporate welfare & special interest projects & corruption that  Hartford has squandered away their taxes.

While we homeowners in Windsor, Bloomfield; & other towns like West Hartford, Wethersfield & Newington, we won’t have a vote or voice against it because those people will all be Malloy appointees. Appointees who won’t have to answer to us & who will be getting paid extra for serving plus benefits & of course that expense will be added into the taxes too.



Taxation without Representation is back on these shores yet that is why we became a country in the first place but this year there is no outcry against it?

 TAX on back of bent over man

Why are we NOT Fighting against these 2 giant taxes on multiple fronts?


Is no one paying attention to the fact that we here in Windsor & Bloomfield will be paying for the mess created in the corrupt city hall in Hartford?

Is no one aware that Mayor Trinks as well as other democrat mayors are on record saying they are more than happy to raise our taxes to “help” bail Hartford out?

 Why isn’t there more of an outcry publicly against this?

Do they not know? If they Do Not Know whose fault is it that they Do Not?

Are the people feeling that defeated that they just can’t fight back anymore?

Or is everyone just being silent & will speak at the polls by Voting Row B this year? Talk to your co-workers neighbors family & friends about who they are voting for this year & why… 

income tax protest oct 5th 1991

Protesting the Income Tax 10-5-91

#VoteRowB to end the #TaxingTyranny

We will only get more of the same if we keep on the same wrong road this year do something different & vote for new Leadership in the general assembly & for a better Connecticut