Tag Archives: Bloomfield

Private School Partnership (FP Academy)

I was talking with a woman earlier this year about the need for there to be more affordable ways to start private affordable charter schools & I recently came across this video that does offer one option.

Thought I’d share it because others are thinking they also want to get their children out of the failing public school systems.

Start Your Own School! FreedomProject Academy is partnering with Churches and Private Schools as part of our mission to Faithfully Educate America.

More information coming December 2016!

Cast: FreedomProject

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Tax Increases Coming

It was Margaret Thatcher who said “The trouble with socialism is that eventually you always run out of other people’s money” wasn’t it?

Rather sad that this cycle there hasn’t been the same excitement & activity against the new taxes like there was to defeat the Windsor budget the other year… if there was then there would be no question about the races this year & it would be a resounding NO to all of the Taxing Tyrants most of whom are career politicians

 Unless the tax paying voters of CT do not wake up this year & vote Row B we’re going to be in for some serious tax increases coming & going which will not only hurt our families wallets but also put our safety at risk as there is a plan in place to quietly sell of the Brainard Airport so that the MDC can become Land Developers & use the land instead for Apartments & their select friends can profit while our water rates will likely raise again for the cleanup of the contaminated land

Eric is going to be voting not only to give us the mileage tax which will be increased to pay for the crazy plans that they are proposing for the “transportation plan”


Eric will also be voting to give us the forced regionalism with appointees that are not elected nor accountable to We the People. We’ll be forced to pay without any input into what types of taxes & what they will be applied to.

So that means we’ll be paying for the Hartford stadiums & any new crazy plans that Mrs Bronin & her friends come up with in addition to other corporate welfare & special interest projects & corruption that  Hartford has squandered away their taxes.

While we homeowners in Windsor, Bloomfield; & other towns like West Hartford, Wethersfield & Newington, we won’t have a vote or voice against it because those people will all be Malloy appointees. Appointees who won’t have to answer to us & who will be getting paid extra for serving plus benefits & of course that expense will be added into the taxes too.



Taxation without Representation is back on these shores yet that is why we became a country in the first place but this year there is no outcry against it?

 TAX on back of bent over man

Why are we NOT Fighting against these 2 giant taxes on multiple fronts?


Is no one paying attention to the fact that we here in Windsor & Bloomfield will be paying for the mess created in the corrupt city hall in Hartford?

Is no one aware that Mayor Trinks as well as other democrat mayors are on record saying they are more than happy to raise our taxes to “help” bail Hartford out?

 Why isn’t there more of an outcry publicly against this?

Do they not know? If they Do Not Know whose fault is it that they Do Not?

Are the people feeling that defeated that they just can’t fight back anymore?

Or is everyone just being silent & will speak at the polls by Voting Row B this year? Talk to your co-workers neighbors family & friends about who they are voting for this year & why… 

income tax protest oct 5th 1991

Protesting the Income Tax 10-5-91

#VoteRowB to end the #TaxingTyranny

We will only get more of the same if we keep on the same wrong road this year do something different & vote for new Leadership in the general assembly & for a better Connecticut

Tillett4CT Presents: We Need CT Solutions

Tillett4CT Presents: We Need CT Solutions

Theresa Tillett is running for State Senate in the 2nd District which serves the North End of Hartford, Most of the Town of Windsor & a portion of Bloomfield. Being part of the regular working class families sh understands the importance of balancing a budget & living with in our means & feels that our elected officials in Hartford have lost touch with

Thank you for your support any & all donations are appreciated towards the Elections Funding Goals as set by the state of CT
Connect with us on our journey to the capitol on the web & social media Mail: Tillett for CT campaign, PO Box 602, Windsor, CT 06095
WebSite = http://TillettForCT.com
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/tillettforct
Twitter = http://Twitter.com/Tillett4CT
G+ = https://plus.google.com/u/1/103209423017770273182
YouTube = http://YouTube.com/Tillett4CT
VoiceMail 24/7 = 641-715-3900 ext 327977#
Tillett for CT campaign – Treasurers J McGovern 2014 B Tillett co-Treasurer M Vesco C Wrotnowski 2016 Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Blacks voting and supporting Trump

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Have you been checking YouTube for examples of who is & who is not supporting the presidential candidates this year?

More importantly asking the question WHY Should You Support a Candidate, look past the party & start looking at the issues that they say they support & 

1) Ask does the policy plan “sound good”?


2) Then ask the big questions of “How will it be paid for?”

3) Can YOU Afford to pay for it because Nothing is FREE 

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Become a Leader with True the Vote

Will you take the time to make certain that Your Vote Counts?

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

There have been reports all over the country about cases of #VoterFraud that has been uncovered. 

We have had an elected official a state rep that was arrested for voter fraud right here in CT… 
But as of yet we haven’t heard of the case going to court nor if the charges that were pending against her mother (from what I recall she was also an elected official at the town level?) were ever filed?

These are not isolated instances but ongoing problems that are being on rare occasion being publicly reported but not much is changing because those who need to prosecute the cases appear to benefit from the voter fraud… 

Even if there is no financial benefit and if the officials that should be taking action are not taking part directly in the fraud their refusal to act publicly gives the “Appearance” that they are in favor of the voter fraud…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Tillett4CT Contact

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Just a reminder there are several ways in which to connect & contact with Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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CT Primary Voting April 26th

People are excited about this election, primaries aren’t normally high in people coming out to vote but there is a big number first time voters & conversions of parties this election so the turnouts are higher than normal…

Did you plan to vote in the Primary on April 26th & were you able to vote?

If you live in CT we have Closed Primaries so You can only vote in the Party Primary that you are REGISTERED With, many people knew that they were either UnAffiliated or Registered with a Different Party & changed to Republican during the proper time period so they could vote in the Primary on April 26th.

Some people did change but not in the proper length of time; which in CT is 90 days prior to a Primary if you are Registered with a Party to change to another party before you can vote in a primary to prevent any funny business with the voting & candidate selections at the conventions.

Sadly there were people that never voted in a primary before so they did not realize that all the years that they have been voting they were actually registered as a Democrat or as UnAffiliated or in one of the many 3rd parties that CT has so that when they showed up to vote their name was not on the book & they weren’t allowed to Vote on Tuesday April 26th.

Were you one of those people?

Were you surprised at your Voter Registration Party Affiliation when the Moderator Called the Registrar of Voters’ office or were you surprised about the rule requiring you to be Registered with the Party in order to vote in the Primary?

Were you given the option to Register into the Party? fed up vote republican