Category Archives: #Veterans

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Welcome President Trump Rally in CT 5-17-17

There is a Welcome to CT President Trump Rally scheduled for early

Wednesday morning come starting at 7:30 am,

May 20th, 2017!

It’s supposed to be a beautiful day full of sunshine so if you are in the area grab your lawn chairs and your picnic blankets and your favorite Trump Supporting shirt or sign.

We’ll Welcome President Trump as he heads over to the Coast Guard Academy graduation ceremonies bright and early. Let’s celebrate our First Amendment rights to Freely Assemble and Speak.

Coffee and donuts will be available from 7:30 until 9

The speakers at McKinley park will begin at 10am

Grab your children and your younger relatives from college classes, everyone can either go in late, taking an Educational Day Off from school.

It’s #MAGA time (0;} If you’re in CT, NY head on over or in lower Mass carpool down and enjoy a day of celebration in McKinley Park, New London CT next to the Coast Guard Academy.


Come out to Welcome President Trump to CT & celebrate Free Speech

Be certain to Share on Social


Welcome Trump Rally 5-17-17

Be certain to share on social with all your friends and family!



CT Victory Party Thank You Message

 THANK YOU to everyone that attended

I’m sharing the eventbrite thank you message that was sent out because we didn’t get everyone’s email addresses who paid cash at the door

A Message from the Hostess:

Thank you for coming to the CT Vistory Party last night. I do hope that you enjoyed the evening as much as I did having you there.

It was surprising to have our party crashed by channel 61 & 30 News Teams.

My son was able to find the link for the channel 61 clip but not the channel 30 clip.

If you find the clip from channel 30 please share it with us.

I hope that you’ll share your pictures & video clips with us on the

G+ Event

or the

Facebook event page

Looking at a brighter future for our nation & hopefully our state as well.


Mrs Theresa Tillett

po box 602, Windsor, CT 06095


If you have any commets or suggestions for future events please feel free to contact me

Holiday Fun before Thanksgiving

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

While you’re getting those last minute items ready for Feast Day tomorrow 
take a few minutes break & 
enjoy this bit of musical fun 
that combines both 
Christmas & Thanksgiving into one (0;}

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Tax Increases Coming

It was Margaret Thatcher who said “The trouble with socialism is that eventually you always run out of other people’s money” wasn’t it?

Rather sad that this cycle there hasn’t been the same excitement & activity against the new taxes like there was to defeat the Windsor budget the other year… if there was then there would be no question about the races this year & it would be a resounding NO to all of the Taxing Tyrants most of whom are career politicians

 Unless the tax paying voters of CT do not wake up this year & vote Row B we’re going to be in for some serious tax increases coming & going which will not only hurt our families wallets but also put our safety at risk as there is a plan in place to quietly sell of the Brainard Airport so that the MDC can become Land Developers & use the land instead for Apartments & their select friends can profit while our water rates will likely raise again for the cleanup of the contaminated land

Eric is going to be voting not only to give us the mileage tax which will be increased to pay for the crazy plans that they are proposing for the “transportation plan”


Eric will also be voting to give us the forced regionalism with appointees that are not elected nor accountable to We the People. We’ll be forced to pay without any input into what types of taxes & what they will be applied to.

So that means we’ll be paying for the Hartford stadiums & any new crazy plans that Mrs Bronin & her friends come up with in addition to other corporate welfare & special interest projects & corruption that  Hartford has squandered away their taxes.

While we homeowners in Windsor, Bloomfield; & other towns like West Hartford, Wethersfield & Newington, we won’t have a vote or voice against it because those people will all be Malloy appointees. Appointees who won’t have to answer to us & who will be getting paid extra for serving plus benefits & of course that expense will be added into the taxes too.



Taxation without Representation is back on these shores yet that is why we became a country in the first place but this year there is no outcry against it?

 TAX on back of bent over man

Why are we NOT Fighting against these 2 giant taxes on multiple fronts?


Is no one paying attention to the fact that we here in Windsor & Bloomfield will be paying for the mess created in the corrupt city hall in Hartford?

Is no one aware that Mayor Trinks as well as other democrat mayors are on record saying they are more than happy to raise our taxes to “help” bail Hartford out?

 Why isn’t there more of an outcry publicly against this?

Do they not know? If they Do Not Know whose fault is it that they Do Not?

Are the people feeling that defeated that they just can’t fight back anymore?

Or is everyone just being silent & will speak at the polls by Voting Row B this year? Talk to your co-workers neighbors family & friends about who they are voting for this year & why… 

income tax protest oct 5th 1991

Protesting the Income Tax 10-5-91

#VoteRowB to end the #TaxingTyranny

We will only get more of the same if we keep on the same wrong road this year do something different & vote for new Leadership in the general assembly & for a better Connecticut

The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch!

For the record because I was asked…

When I’m posting a youtube video as part of my commentary in my blog posts;

I make my commentary normally above the video but the title of the blog post is the title of the youtube video as found and named by the creator of the video.

In this manner they get full credit for their work and that is why sometimes my commentary and the video posted are not in agreement with each other.

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Although this video was made by a Jewish man speaking to his fellow Jews, I think this is a video which everyone must watch 

While watching ask yourselves who are YOU listening to & have you actually done any research on the issues or the man?

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Hillary Clinton. A Picture of White Privilege by AlfonZo Rachel

Ask yourself who are you voting for & WHY?

Do you REALLY know what the issues are & where the candidates stands on those issues?

Are you voting just because the person has the same party that you have been voting for all these years?

Are your reasons for voting based upon the opinions of others?


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project #nq

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Dinesh Dsouza’s Hillary’s America Leaked

Did you pre-order the dvd or are you going to the store to pick up your copy today?

When we head out for the errands & events for the day I’ll be checking to see which stores have the dvd in stock & which do not.

Have you seen the movie already or will watching it on dvd be the first time watching it?

I’ll be looking forward to reading your comments below


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Have you seen the movie “Hillary’s America” yet?

I went with a group of friends (one family of 4 included just graduated teens) to see the movie on Sunday opening weekend.
It was very worth going to see it in the theater on the big screen not just with your conservative friends & family but show it to some of your teens & college aged young adults & your liberal family & friends. 

Dinesh Dsouza spoke during a break at the RNC at the InfoWars news studio & explains what the film is about.

The DVD will be released on October 11th, you can preorder it now at Not certain if they’ll be selling the video in the actual stores some of his videos & books they do & others they choose not to. 

If you pre-order it; have it sent to the store for pick up & maybe that will encourage them to have a supply in stock for the rest of the public to purchase too. I have never seen 2016 Obama’s America in the local WalMarts but I was able to buy the dvd of his movie America. 
Hopefully this dvd will be in the stores so that it will be available to the general public.

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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