Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Had this in drafts for the longest time & finally went ahead & published it
We’re in the process of becoming “Successful Quitters”
The only Quitting that is acceptable is quitting an addiction to cigarettes or any other unhealthy habit that has taken a strong hold in our lives.
Although not fully smoke free Hubby is almost & I have cut down on the number which I’ve been smoking with the help of the e-Cigs.
Think that in Jan we’ll try to totally give up the tobacco & just use the vaporizers until we can give those up too.
Anyone looking to also give up smoking in the coming new year? Want to start a “Quit Club”, a support group online & off to get through the rough patches? Any successful quitters want to chime in on how you dealt with the quitting process?
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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