Category Archives: #LearnLiberty

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Sonnie Johnson at the South Carolina Tea Party Convention 1/17/16

Sonnie Johnson gives an encouraging talk at the South Carolina Tea Party

Listen to this power house speak & consider what she has to say

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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C is for Clinton TV

Go ahead & have a laugh & share this little jingle on your social networks today

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A little tune to sing today; as we prepare for the Presidential Debate tonight…

A reminder of some important things & the reason may of us are saying 
#NeverHillary #CrookedHillary

Share on social so that others can be reminded or even just educated about those annoying little facts = youtube link#nq

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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To Trump or not to Trump? by AlfonZo Rachel

With the last debate this week & WikiLeaks almost daily adding new items for the public to view on what #HatefulHillary & the #DNC Campaign teams are doing what are your thoughts on the presidential candidates?

Are you supporting Donald Trump the outsider looking to come in to correct things so that we’ll have more jobs & a Better America

or are you supporting the #StatusQuo with a candidate with blood on her hands & a corrupt history who plans to continue with the current administrations plans with it’s failed policies & decline in jobs & employment opportunities & increased taxes, tyranny & loss of #Freedoms

or have you decided to vote Third Party

Leave your Thoughts & Comments Below

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AlfonZo Rachel gives his thoughts on Trump…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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FND: Play Your Part

As we approach the final days before the elections what have you been doing to get yourself educated about the issues & what the candidates actually stand for?

A post from earlier this year I’m sharing here

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Sonnie Johnson talks some actual history that we in the Black Community need to rethink…
This is an older video of hers & she’s located in another state but as you watch…
Look around you & see if what she is saying can be applied right here to Hartford…
All Politics are Local…
Who have we voted into office?
Town Council, State Level & Federal;
Are they “Working For US” which as elected officials they are Our Employees or just to line their own pockets with an Attitude that they are better than us?
Are we thriving or are we “Just Over Broke”,

Are we Prospering or are we Pinching Pennies?

Ask yourself WHY is that?

What conditions are our schools? Have our children been the priority or is our tax money being syphoned off into schemes & stadium pipedreams?

What is going on in our public schools? With all of the money which has been poured into one “experimental program” after another has the School to Prison Pipeline been shut down or is it still flowing strong?

You Have a Choice this November

the old Status Quo with more of the same results or

a Fresh New Start with eyes that look from the perspective of what it is like to actually have to LIVE under these laws & increasing taxes…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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America : Freedom to Fascism #FreedomFriday

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#FreedomFriday Movie Night – pop up some popcorn & sit down with some friends to watch & discuss what you see in this documentary…

What are you going to do tomorrow to turn our country back on to the road away from the financial cliff & the constitutional crisis that we face?

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Become a Leader with True the Vote

Will you take the time to make certain that Your Vote Counts?

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There have been reports all over the country about cases of #VoterFraud that has been uncovered. 

We have had an elected official a state rep that was arrested for voter fraud right here in CT… 
But as of yet we haven’t heard of the case going to court nor if the charges that were pending against her mother (from what I recall she was also an elected official at the town level?) were ever filed?

These are not isolated instances but ongoing problems that are being on rare occasion being publicly reported but not much is changing because those who need to prosecute the cases appear to benefit from the voter fraud… 

Even if there is no financial benefit and if the officials that should be taking action are not taking part directly in the fraud their refusal to act publicly gives the “Appearance” that they are in favor of the voter fraud…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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YouTube Demonetized My Videos – CENSORSHIP ALERT – #YouTubeIsOverParty #TyrannyThursdayAlert

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Videos like this one below keep popping up on the internet service YouTube of the Censorship in one of 2 major ways;

1) Taking down of videos usually targeted are Conservative Commentary & Citizen Reporting Channels that are discussing or reporting upon topics that either expose what is not being discussed by the major media &/or that are using photos & clips under the fair use laws

2) Demonetizing videos which will discourage the creation of videos which discuss “sensitive” topics that the liberals at youtube have decided is too sensitive for viewers &/or ad sponsors to show their ads on

For a short while channels which had thousands of subscribers were being taken down due to censorship by youtube & the liberals which were complaining against the channels.  
Another form of attacks were to censor channels which were reporting on topics & policies & elected officials & candidates of the democrat party by the filing of false “copyright claims” which would for a short period pull down the video in question while it was being disputed.

This is important because all forms of speech regardless of it’s message is protected under the Constitution of the USA. There is plenty of speech which I may not agree with but I have the right not to listen to it by merely walking away & responding with my own speech… 

Censorship is UnAmerican & those who would silence the speech of others are people who do not have our best interests at all in mind.

Book Burning are a thing of the past…
But in our modern day where social media & videos are the “New Books” of this century to shut down youtube channels & facebook pages is the cyber-equivalent of burning a stack of libraries. Even if you do not agree with what others may say you NEED to Support Those Who Speak Up & Speak Out in all of the forms of media new & old.

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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