Category Archives: #LearnLiberty

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Bill of Rights (Shake it off) #FreedomFriday

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

#FreedomFriday FUN!
This group of high school students made learning the Bill of Rights fun for themselves & their classmates.

Share their video to celebrate the Freedoms that we have here in the USA.

Maybe challenge your children or grandchildren to make a video to help teach their classmates about some of the important history lessons that seem to be getting neglected in recent years?

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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CT Victory Party Thank You Message

 THANK YOU to everyone that attended

I’m sharing the eventbrite thank you message that was sent out because we didn’t get everyone’s email addresses who paid cash at the door

A Message from the Hostess:

Thank you for coming to the CT Vistory Party last night. I do hope that you enjoyed the evening as much as I did having you there.

It was surprising to have our party crashed by channel 61 & 30 News Teams.

My son was able to find the link for the channel 61 clip but not the channel 30 clip.

If you find the clip from channel 30 please share it with us.

I hope that you’ll share your pictures & video clips with us on the

G+ Event

or the

Facebook event page

Looking at a brighter future for our nation & hopefully our state as well.


Mrs Theresa Tillett

po box 602, Windsor, CT 06095


If you have any commets or suggestions for future events please feel free to contact me

Mom Endorses Partnership

There are many educational options that are available to those with money but for those in the lower income brackets & higher family expenses there are few options…

If we stop pouring money into the failing public school system & instead focus upon the needs of the students rather than the wants of the public school administrators & teachers unions then positive changes will begin to happen; both in the public schools as they are forced to compete for the students as well for our families & children & our nation as a whole

Better Educated Students (rather than Indoctrinated & Socially Promoted Students) are able to make wiser decisions. They are able to either find work or create their own jobs by going into business for themselves.

With the recent court ruling; ordering CT to fix the problem of the funding of the schools & the disparity of the education offered throughout CT, by having the money follow the students parents will be able to choose the best educational options for their children. What is “Best” for our children many times does not coincide with what is “Best” for the Teachers Union or the promoters of the Common Core materials or what is “Best” for the Testing Companies – all of whom are looking out only for their “Best Interests” which to them are their taxpayer funded Paychecks.

FreedomProject Academy’s Academic Director, Dr. Duke Pesta, was recently doing a radio interview when a parent called to talk about the amazing education her son was receiving from Grace Christian Academy, and online private school partner FreedomProject Academy.

★ Learn more.

★ Special thanks to Grace Christian Academy for allowing us to produce this video. Learn more about GCA at

Cast: FreedomProject

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Did CNN Crew just joke about Trump Plane Crashing?

Wow just at a loss for words at how disrespectful for life they are over at CNN & especially the life of the president of the USA is just beyond comprehension…

Wayne Dupree posted this clip of the CNN Reporter & her off camera producer speaking

I did see some articles pass through the social media timelines that mentioned a firing due to the off air remarks but to see that they got it on video… to see it is quite disappointing but this year seems to be just one big disappointment after another with the major media not acting as it should.

Seriously is it approriate to joke on the job about planes crashing, especially the presidents plane in this day of terrorism? 

During the set-up for Trump’s Carrier speech, at about the 1:20 mark, a producer in the background says,

“Trump’s Plane is about to land. If I do this, he’s landed”

And then she says, “If I do this, he’s crashed, hopefully.”

You can see Suzanne Malveaux snicker and roll her eyes when she hears this.

Cast: Wayne Dupree

Tags: CNN, Donald Trump and Fake news

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Peruta Off the Cuff 2016 12 03

This video is Ed Peruta venting his frustrations over what is happening in CT cities vs the suburbs

Many of us are also tired & frustrated with what is happening in our state & in our country, some changes were made in the general assembly in CT this past election but the lame duck session will begin shortly. 

We need to not only show up in our town halls to complain about the new taxes that are being proposed; but we need to show up to protest against the forced Regionalism being pushed to pay for the mismanagement of the city tax monies. Regionalism is being pushed so the costs of which the city mayors are trying to pass off onto us taxpaying homeowners in the suburbs.

Can YOUR Family Afford to pay for the mismanagement of sanctuary cities like Hartford, Bridgeport & New Haven? Can Your Family Afford to pay for another failed stadium like the most recent failed backroom deal of Dunkin Stadium in Hartford?

Are you even paying attention to the news to know what is happening? As the democrats volunteer to Raise Your Taxes (remember each time the government says New Revenue Sources they are looking at YOUR WALLET) Stealing the money from Your Family to pay for the corruption in the democrat run cities for decades & generations? Where does it stop? At what point do you have to say ENOUGH?

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Ed Peruta of American News Network speaks up against the #Regionalism & the Stealing of the Taxes being promoted by Mayor Luke Bronin of Hartford for the surrounding suburban towns…

Can YOU Afford to have YOUR Family’s money Stolen so that #BrokeBronin & his cohorts can continue to spend the money on any crazy idea that they have to benefit their special friends?

The meeting that will be at the West Hartford Town Hall on Tuesday Dec 6th is supposed to be started at 7pm so if you intend to go to speak out against the stealing food out of our families mouths to allow Luke & Dannel & the other sanctuary cities to continue to waste money on crazy projects then show up early & carpool in to bring your taxpaying friends with you

TAX on back of bent over man

Be sure to share this with family & friends so they are made aware of the Town Hall meetings promoting the una21 REGIONALISM tax raising scheme being promoted

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Wayne Dupree Live Stream from Nov 14, 2016

Media bias in CT failed to inform the CT Voters that all along there were Blacks & Hispanics that were supporting Donald Trump all across the nation. With the media bias in CT there wasn’t full & truthful reporting about the issues for the country or the state.

Even still today in CT the media bias fails to report upon the racial incident that occured on the left side of the aisle while trying to create one on the right side of the aisle where one did not exist.

#WhitePriviledge is the name of the cover up game this post-election season, SHAME on the major media in CT for not calling on the carpet the #CyberBullying that was done when the “Priviledged White One” decided to attack the Black Woman for not towing the plantation party line since this election hasn’t gone their way.

But that is for another post, stepping off my soap box for the moment because life calls


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Do you follow Wayne Dupree on WAAR & RSBN?
I’ve been following Wayne since 2012 when he was better known as the NewsNinja.
He’s been an inspiration for me as he is one of the many New Media Citizen Reporters that is going out there & reporting on the news.
The main stream major media is taking a hit to their ratings because men & women like Wayne have a voice on the internet & they are reporting what the mainstream media refuses to report.
What I like about Wayne & his crew is that their voice is growing stronger & they are making good use of it. They are calling out the BS, they are calling the people to get informed & get active.
He’s connected with others along the way so that they now have several people connected together.
The team is growing & expanding as people join in as others leave for new opportunities.
It is interesting to listen to the callers having a say about what is happening
202-470-6738 is the number for callers if you can get through & talk on air with the team.
I hope that the GOP both at the national and state and even the local levels take Wayne’s advice to:  get now into our urban areas & most importantly “Stay There”  to Outreach and Educate and grow the party

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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C is for Clinton TV

Yeah I know I’ve shared this before

but it’s almost election day so as you get ready to go out & cast your vote have this little tune stuck in your head & share it with your family & friends as

A Reminder to Get Out There and VOTE! 

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

A little tune to sing today; as we prepare for the Presidential Debate tonight…

A reminder of some important things & the reason may of us are saying 
#NeverHillary #CrookedHillary

Share on social so that others can be reminded or even just educated about those annoying little facts = youtube link


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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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