Category Archives: Fun

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It’s Prom Season – PLEASE Don’t Text While Driving

 * It’s Prom Season, with lots of fun parties each week this month.

Graduation Parties are also going strong *

PLEASE, Young People, Stop and Think!

Don’t Text while Driving!

Don’t Drive after you Drink!

This video was made at a CT High Scool and posted over on Vimeo as a reminder to all of the young people.

Please share this with the young people in your life. Let’s make this video message go viral.

While life is exciting with so many choices approaching as you move into adulthood, there are dangers out there.

A reality is Life is Both Exciting but also Tragedy Happens Daily.

This video takes a few minutes to remind you that in only a moment Life can change for the worst.

PLEASE Drive Responsibly.

Don’t Text while Driving and Don’t Drink if you are underage… it really isn’t “cool”.

After watching please share on all of your social media connections.

SHARE on Social to Remind your friends, classmates, and family that you Love Them and want them to make it safely home.

The Moment The World Changed from The Silent Partner Marketing on Vimeo.

We are humbled to have partnered with East Catholic High School, Monaco Ford and the Connecticut State Police for this extraordinarily powerful video about the dangers of texting and driving.

Watch it – but more importantly, share it. Help us save a life today.

For more, visit


The Peanuts Gang (FREE Family Series)

There is STILL time for you to sign up your family for this FREE webinar series

Have a fun learning experience with your favorite cartoon characters… The Peanuts Gang!

Have a Family Date Night for the month of March on Tuesday nights from 8p to 9p est 7p to 8p central or 6p to 7p west streaming live in the comfort of your own home

Watch the video & sign up at and join Dr Duke Pesta in this free educational yet entertaining lecture series


? FreedomProject is proud to present this FREE four-week lecture series by Dr. Duke Pesta entitled, “The Peanuts Gang: A Promise of Christian Redemption.”
For fifty years, Charles Schulz drew the most influential comic strip in the world. Key to the enduring success of Peanuts is the characters’ deep connection to the most poignant elements of human nature: crushing despair and joyful exuberance. These are also the defining emotions of Christian experience: the hopelessness of our fallen existence, and the exaltation of our redemption in Christ. By embodying these existential responses in little children, Schulz magnifies emotional impact and reveals deep truths about the human condition.
Register @

Cast: FreedomProject

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CT Victory Party Thank You Message

 THANK YOU to everyone that attended

I’m sharing the eventbrite thank you message that was sent out because we didn’t get everyone’s email addresses who paid cash at the door

A Message from the Hostess:

Thank you for coming to the CT Vistory Party last night. I do hope that you enjoyed the evening as much as I did having you there.

It was surprising to have our party crashed by channel 61 & 30 News Teams.

My son was able to find the link for the channel 61 clip but not the channel 30 clip.

If you find the clip from channel 30 please share it with us.

I hope that you’ll share your pictures & video clips with us on the

G+ Event

or the

Facebook event page

Looking at a brighter future for our nation & hopefully our state as well.


Mrs Theresa Tillett

po box 602, Windsor, CT 06095


If you have any commets or suggestions for future events please feel free to contact me


Wayne Dupree Live Stream from Nov 14, 2016

Media bias in CT failed to inform the CT Voters that all along there were Blacks & Hispanics that were supporting Donald Trump all across the nation. With the media bias in CT there wasn’t full & truthful reporting about the issues for the country or the state.

Even still today in CT the media bias fails to report upon the racial incident that occured on the left side of the aisle while trying to create one on the right side of the aisle where one did not exist.

#WhitePriviledge is the name of the cover up game this post-election season, SHAME on the major media in CT for not calling on the carpet the #CyberBullying that was done when the “Priviledged White One” decided to attack the Black Woman for not towing the plantation party line since this election hasn’t gone their way.

But that is for another post, stepping off my soap box for the moment because life calls


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Do you follow Wayne Dupree on WAAR & RSBN?
I’ve been following Wayne since 2012 when he was better known as the NewsNinja.
He’s been an inspiration for me as he is one of the many New Media Citizen Reporters that is going out there & reporting on the news.
The main stream major media is taking a hit to their ratings because men & women like Wayne have a voice on the internet & they are reporting what the mainstream media refuses to report.
What I like about Wayne & his crew is that their voice is growing stronger & they are making good use of it. They are calling out the BS, they are calling the people to get informed & get active.
He’s connected with others along the way so that they now have several people connected together.
The team is growing & expanding as people join in as others leave for new opportunities.
It is interesting to listen to the callers having a say about what is happening
202-470-6738 is the number for callers if you can get through & talk on air with the team.
I hope that the GOP both at the national and state and even the local levels take Wayne’s advice to:  get now into our urban areas & most importantly “Stay There”  to Outreach and Educate and grow the party

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Sharks’ Teeth – Lost In The Cosmos

#Artful8ths – Sharing Art in it’s Many Forms

I saw this & although not quite understanding the message that the artist is trying to convey I thought it was an interesting compilation.

What I do enjoy about art in it’s many forms is that people can do things to express an idea or message or they can do things just for the fun of it to see what the results will be.

Since I can’t figure out a message I wonder if this was just the artist playing around with things to see what comes out? When looking at art do you contemplate what you are seeing or feeling or wonder what the artist’s message is to the viewers?

I may not agree with the political opinions of many artists; I can none the less Respect their Efforts & Enjoy their Works.

Do you do anything artistic in your spare time?



Cast: Derek Beck

Tags: sharks teeth, music video, stop motion, lost in the cosmos, animation and it transfers & grows

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Happy Thanksgiving

From our family to yours

We wish you safe travels & many blessings as you gather with your family & friends this Thanksgiving!




#Equality #SillySaturday

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

In need of a laugh 
Politics is getting out of hand…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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