Category Archives: Black Conservatives

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SB422 Keep CT Water in CT_v2

Reminder that we were kept in the dark about the deal & had no voice when they sold off our water rights with our permission or even knowledge & at the time the resevoir was only at 85% & a slight drought & with the lack of rain the entire state is in a drought…

#RememberOnElectionDay who has sold us out

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Just a reminder of what is happening in our government at both the town level & state…

CT Our Water is about to be Stolen.
Men & Women have conspired to give our water away at bargain basement prices to a corporation while raising our rates & risking running our wells dry.

#HadEnough ?

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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An encounter at the Pittsburgh International Airport about my shirt.

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This man explains why he’s voting for Donald Trump this election

He’s not buying the lies of the commercials that have been in the mass media that has been promoting Hillary Clinton & points out that the real racists have been Hillary & Bill

He’s voting for the president that is going to benefit his children & his family now & in the future

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Register to Vote

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Diamond and Silk Call Wayne Dupree 8/25/16

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Wayne Dupree & Diamond & Silk discussed the recent attacks by the left in their attempt to destroy & discredit both citizen reporters of the New Media as well as candidates Donald Trump & Mike Pence.

Have you #HadEnough yet?

Are you ready to try something different?

When the left has no solutions they Attack Personally in an attempt to Destroy the Opposition

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Dinesh Dsouza’s Hillary’s America Leaked

Did you pre-order the dvd or are you going to the store to pick up your copy today?

When we head out for the errands & events for the day I’ll be checking to see which stores have the dvd in stock & which do not.

Have you seen the movie already or will watching it on dvd be the first time watching it?

I’ll be looking forward to reading your comments below


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Have you seen the movie “Hillary’s America” yet?

I went with a group of friends (one family of 4 included just graduated teens) to see the movie on Sunday opening weekend.
It was very worth going to see it in the theater on the big screen not just with your conservative friends & family but show it to some of your teens & college aged young adults & your liberal family & friends. 

Dinesh Dsouza spoke during a break at the RNC at the InfoWars news studio & explains what the film is about.

The DVD will be released on October 11th, you can preorder it now at Not certain if they’ll be selling the video in the actual stores some of his videos & books they do & others they choose not to. 

If you pre-order it; have it sent to the store for pick up & maybe that will encourage them to have a supply in stock for the rest of the public to purchase too. I have never seen 2016 Obama’s America in the local WalMarts but I was able to buy the dvd of his movie America. 
Hopefully this dvd will be in the stores so that it will be available to the general public.

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Tillett4CT Contact

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Just a reminder there are several ways in which to connect & contact with Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Tillett4CT Contact

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Just a reminder there are several ways in which to connect & contact with Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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