Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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If you enjoy the “Blue Ribbon” trailer; you just might want to go put something in the kitty to help them get the movie funded.
Support the youth who are doing something constructive with their time and energies…
This description below is from the Vimeo Stream – go subscribe to their channel and the link for the facebook page is below. Help them out by sharing their trailer and KickStarter page in the future.
Blue Ribbon is the latest Youngman Films production. The film is about two High School girls whose relationship is altered because of a choice one of them makes.
This dramatic narrative was made by teens, is about teens, and is for an audience of teens (and their parents).
Stay tuned on the Blue Ribbon Facebook page for information about the upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
Written and Directed by Jake Youngman
Assistant Director- Ian Donnelly
Starring- Meghan Johnson and Katie Schaber
Music by- Dane Walker
Associate Producer- Emmit Flynn
Line Producer- Sasha Kuznetsov
Produced by Rob Russo, Mark Rediehs, and Dan Youngman
Blue Ribbon (Official Teaser) from Youngman Films on Vimeo.
Blue Ribbon is the latest Youngman Films production. The film is about two High School girls whose relationship is altered because of a choice one of them makes.
This dramatic narrative was made by teens, is about teens, and is for an audience of teens (and their parents).
Stay tuned on the Blue Ribbon Facebook page for information about the upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
Written and Directed by Jake Youngman
Assistant Director- Ian Donnelly
Starring- Meghan Johnson and Katie Schaber
Music by- Dane Walker
Associate Producer- Emmit Flynn
Line Producer- Sasha Kuznetsov
Produced by Rob Russo, Mark Rediehs, and Dan Youngman
© 2017 Jacob Youngman and Youngman Films.
This teaser is subject to the copyright owned by Jacob Youngman and Youngman Films (“Youngman”). Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this teaser is expressly prohibited, unless Youngman has explicitly granted its prior written consent. All other rights reserved.
Cast: Youngman Films
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Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Do you love to see beautiful scenery and creative videos? Then this video featuring 12 clips of films submitted for the film festival will not disappoint. There are many talented people out there. I enjoyed watching these clips and think you will too.
I thought that Stop Motion film was a long lost art. With the creation of digital artistry and CGI for movies, they don’t use it here now. But there are some old fashioned Stop Motion Films that were also submitted.
Featured in this video are 12 works selected from among the 470 participants from 72 countries. The winners will be shown in August in from the 26th through the 28th.
The prizes for being selected as finalists are nice even if they do not win one of the major prizes. There were 470 entries from 72 countries in total; so I’m sure it was a tough choice for the judges to pick the finalists.
“All selected works will be presented with a dinner for two people the same day of the screening, which will be on August 26 and 27.”
“The 6 finalists will enjoy a weekend with bed and breakfast for 2 people, in one of the best rural accommodations in the Alto Tajo Natural Park (Molina de Aragón – GUADALAJARA – SPAIN, coinciding with the date of the screening)”
There is some nice camera equipment being offered up as prizes. Good Luck to everyone who submitted entries.
Good Luck to everyone who submitted entries.
Are you an artist?
I’d love to share your creations too on a future #Artful8ths post
Original content discovered over on Vimeo & we thought worth sharing with you
Cast: Miguel Angel Langa, geoff tompkinson, Mike Olbinski, Nick Kontostavlakis, TL video, Kirill Neiezhmakov, No name, Rob Whitworth, StanChang, Txema Ortiz, La Fabrica Naranja and mina valizadeh
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Help be a part of this history-making effort.
Lee Stranahan is an investigative reporter who has worked both sides of the aisle. Additionally, he’s made other documentaries and expose’s.
Watch the video below as he explains what his plans are for this documentary.
Soros from Lee Stranahan on Vimeo.
Cast: Lee Stranahan
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From our family to yours Happy Independence Day
Celebrate Freedom and Liberty this July 4th
Please be safe while swimming, and BBQing
Please Don’t Drink and Drive this weekend
Always use safety precautions if you will be using fireworks this summer
It’s supposed to be a beautiful day full of sunshine so if you are in the area grab your lawn chairs and your picnic blankets and your favorite Trump Supporting shirt or sign.
We’ll Welcome President Trump as he heads over to the Coast Guard Academy graduation ceremonies bright and early. Let’s celebrate our First Amendment rights to Freely Assemble and Speak.
Coffee and donuts will be available from 7:30 until 9
The speakers at McKinley park will begin at 10am
Grab your children and your younger relatives from college classes, everyone can either go in late, taking an Educational Day Off from school.
It’s #MAGA time (0;} If you’re in CT, NY head on over or in lower Mass carpool down and enjoy a day of celebration in McKinley Park, New London CT next to the Coast Guard Academy.
Come out to Welcome President Trump to CT & celebrate Free Speech
Be certain to Share on Social
Welcome Trump Rally 5-17-17
Be certain to share on social with all your friends and family!