Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: TillettForCT
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Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: TillettForCT
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Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
Ice Cube; a man of many talents, Rapper, Actor & Movie Director speaks about Donald Trump on Bloomberg Politics
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Start Your Own School! FreedomProject Academy is partnering with Churches and Private Schools as part of our mission to Faithfully Educate America.
More information coming December 2016!
Cast: FreedomProject
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Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Taxation without Representation is back on these shores yet that is why we became a country in the first place but this year there is no outcry against it?
Is no one aware that Mayor Trinks as well as other democrat mayors are on record saying they are more than happy to raise our taxes to “help” bail Hartford out?
Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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Theresa Tillett is running for State Senate in the 2nd District which serves the North End of Hartford, Most of the Town of Windsor & a portion of Bloomfield. Being part of the regular working class families sh understands the importance of balancing a budget & living with in our means & feels that our elected officials in Hartford have lost touch with
Thank you for your support any & all donations are appreciated towards the Elections Funding Goals as set by the state of CT
Connect with us on our journey to the capitol on the web & social media Mail: Tillett for CT campaign, PO Box 602, Windsor, CT 06095
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VoiceMail 24/7 = 641-715-3900 ext 327977#
Tillett for CT campaign – Treasurers J McGovern 2014 B Tillett co-Treasurer M Vesco C Wrotnowski 2016 Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett
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Author: Tillett for Connecticut
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