Category Archives: Independence Day

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Independence Day

Cross Posted Item from another Tillett for CT project

Happy Independence Day!

Stay Safe while you’re out in the Sun BBQing & when watching the Fireworks tonight

All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer C. Wrotnowski B.Tillett Co-Treasurers Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Overview of America

Cross Posted Item from another Tillett for CT project

A short video that gives an Overview of America..
Both as a country and ideology…
It explains how important the US Constitution is to protect us as citizens from our overreaching elected officials; many of whom would prefer to be our rulers and dictators like they have in other parts of the world…

Take a few minutes to watch and then share 
So others can relearn history and modern freedom once again

Give your thoughts and comments below

All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer C. Wrotnowski B.Tillett Co-Treasurers Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Happy Independence Day 2017

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend

From our family to yours Happy Independence Day

Celebrate Freedom and Liberty this July 4th

Please be safe while swimming, and BBQing

Please Don’t Drink and Drive this weekend

Always use safety precautions if you will be using fireworks this summer