Monthly Archives: November 2017

Windsor GOP Town Council Candidates 2017

Windsor Republicans presents the

2017 Town Council Candidates

Feel Free to Download and Print the flyer to pass out to family and friends as a reminder that they need to get out and vote on Tuesday…

If you are tired of your taxes going up and your voices being ignored then make sure that your voice is heard on Tuesday Nov 7th 2017

#YourVoteIsYourVoice so vote for change


CT GOTV on 11-7-17

Get Out the Vote CT on 11-7-17

Remember Next week Tuesday is Election Day.

We are less than a week away from this year’s municipal elections. Many towns also have ballot questions that need to have a Yes or No Vote in addition to the candidates to be selected on the ballots so research that.

Have you decided upon who you will casting your votes this year?  Have you researched any ballot questions as well?

Make certain to put on your calendar to get out to vote this year. Your Vote is Your Voice so if you’re tired of increasing taxes and getting less services,

Election Day is the Day to make the elected officials hear your opinion… #MakeCityHallListen!

