Author Archives: tillett

About tillett

Wife, Mother, Grandmother who is enjoying life in the USA suburbs, Budding Political Activist because I'm tired of seeing Oppressive Policies that Enslave My People & Family being promoted in the USA

#TBT 2016 repost – Theft In Hartford City Hall!

This is an item from 2016 which I’m reposting now as a #TBT item for the Hartford City Hall under #BrokeBronin

With so many of my friends & family living in Hartford, I think a reminder about just how bad things have been going on is in order…

This is the election year which you will be deciding upon who will lead in Hartford’s city hall for the next 4 years…

The post below was posted back in December of 2016, now it’s more than 2 years later, have you forgotten what #BrokeBronin did back then?


It was so upsetting to me back in 2016 I posted about it twice!

Maybe it’s time for new fresh ideas and methods to be considered… what are your thoughts?

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Why did I shout THEFT you might ask?

Well when you think of it as a standard Employer and Employee terms;

If an Employee were to go into the warehouse & take some of the inventory and sell it to a third party without the knowledge and approval of the Employer…

well both the Employee and very likely the Buyer of the Stolen Goods from the Warehouse would be going to jail for stealing the goods from the Employer…

Now the problem is that too many people do not look at our elected officials as exactly what they are Our Employees… we “hire” them when we elect them into office to be good stewards over our tax dollars and city assets… if you as a business owner would not allow for your employees to steal from the warehouse and sell to third parties without your permission why would you be ok with it just because the employee has the title of “mayor”?

You do realize that elected officials are our employees because we pay their salaries with our taxes? Would you keep an employee that keeps stealing from your business? So why would you rehire an elected official that is doing the same?

As the candidates start making the rounds ask them lots of questions, are they giving you real answers or are they unavailable



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Why is #LyingLuke as Mayor of Hartford Allowed to STEAL from the Hartford Taxpayers & from the rest of us in the surrounding suburban towns?

Why is #BrokeBronin pushing for “Regionalism” to pay for all of the corruption that has been going on in the city of Hartford for decades & generations?

On one hand he tells the people on the south end of Hartford that he will legally fight (read wasting taxpayer money here) to keep Hartford’s Sanctuary City Status while on the other hand his insistence that the city not have to go through Bankruptcy Proceedings to those of us in the suburbs…

TAX on back of bent over man

Why is he thinking that STEALING from the city & us taxpaying homeowners in the surrounding towns who he plans to stick with the bills for is ok to do?

Just like a cheating husband trying to hide assets prior to a divorce; #BrokeBronin was trying to get this back room deal done for $500.00 with his friend in NY. Yet #LyingLuke with his friends at the MDC are trying to force the suburban towns to pay for the water bill for Hartford; this while Jellison & crew gets outrageous salaries to steal from us homeowners in the surrounding towns??

The local Hartford online news site We The People Hartford  alerted the people of the theft which the major media news picked up. When things became more widely public & reported in the major news outlets in CT the attempted theft was temporarily halted…

Thank you to Kevin Brookman for being the under celebrated CT Citizen News Reporter – he breaks the news & then the major news media outlets report on what he’s exposed… if you have a news tip about things in Hartford make sure to give it to him to report upon
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MAGA March 3-25-17 pt2

Cross posted items from another Tillett4CT project
MAGA March 3-25-17 pt2

More pictures of the Peaceful MAGA March in Wethersfield CT held on 3-25-17 – created at

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Agenda 21 for your representatives.

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

This is a video which explains in a simple form what UN Agenda 21 aka now as UNA21/2030 that you can show to friends, family and elected officials and zoning commissioners.

Many of our elected officials and zoning commissioners are everyday people and do not always fully understand what is being presented in the longer term and how it will affect businesses and families in their town and state.

If your family, friends and neighbors know and understand what is being proposed; they can also speak to the elected officials and ask questions with educated ears for the answers.

Watch and share

If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for byTillett for CT Campaign L. Orme & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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Tillett4CT CT Solutions – ReBuild CT

A blast from the past, a video I made back in 2016

We need to work together if we’re going to bring CT back to it’s former days of Prosperity & ReBuild CT into a Better Place to Live, Work & Own a Business & Educate Our Children.

We can ReBuild CT but it requires all of us rolling up our sleeves & doing the hard work that is needed to do it.


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

A youtube video I made

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Alveda, Black History Month

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

If you have questions or concerns for the Tillett for CT Campaign feel free to email or call 641-715-3900 ext 327977# Paid for byTillett for CT Campaign L. Orme & B. Tillett Co-Treasurer Approved by Theresa Tillett

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How the Minimum Wage Creates Unemployment – #FridayFinances

Cross Posted Item from another Tillett for CT project

A short little video which explains how the minimum wage forced upon employers by government officials actually hurts both businesses & people looking for work. 

The government really has no business meddling between the contract made between the employer & the worker…

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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#TBT #BrokeBronin A Look Back

Series about the Hartford Mayor Luke #BrokeBronin term in office.

First, stop down memory lane we’re looking back at what has happened under his leadership.

Below is an article posted in the We thePeople Hartford blog by Kevin Brookman back on 1-3-17.  The public commentary speaks volumes of the horrendous conditions that the residents of Hartford suffer.

#BrokeBronin has not been the best on upholding his promises to the residents of Hartford. Luke has grown the cost of Hartford’s mismanaged city hall to new heights with its lopsidedness.

Firing the low waged workers that deal with the public services while creating and expanding highly paid positions for friends? What is wrong with that picture? #BrokeBronin feels that hiring PR people is more important than the hiring of lifeguards for the city pools? Why should the lives of the city’s young and poor be put in jeopardy during the summer?

As a former Northend Resident of Hartford; it grieves me that the city of Hartford, as well as the state of CT, are greatly suffering under the tyranny of the democrats. The condition of both is the direct result of decades of intentional mismanagement & sadly, too often corruption of the elected officials.

The question now remains will the residents continue down the same destructive path?

I’ve highlighted in Red-Bold some of the important items that the residents of Hartford need to take into consideration. Kevin and I agree on some things and disagree on others. We both want the best for the City of Hartford and the state of CT.

What are YOUR Thoughts on how #BrokeBronin has been doing for the city of Harford?

Full article and community commentary can be found on We the People Hartford Kevin Brookman Editor & Lead Investigative Reporter

Well, the first year of the Bronin Administration has passed, and it is time to evaluate what has changed. Sadly, I think very little. We still have a city government that is broke and I don’t see any plan to restore sustainability. Some of Bronin’s attempts have failed miserably. (remember the Senate Bill 464 mess)

I am not sure if those failures are because of inexperience or attitude, or a combination of both. The “sky is falling” mantra by Bronin worked in the beginning in drawing attention to our problems as a City, but you can only play Chicken Little for so long before it becomes tiring as well as ineffective.

Although Bronin’s first move was to slash City jobs through lay-offs, many of those laid off were some of the lowest paid employees, and the ranks of high priced management positions, some of them actually residing  in the Mayor’s Office and throughout City Hall, have continued to grow.

Claims of inviting the Union’s to the table to be part of the solution seemed as though those invitations got lost in the mail, and aside from a new Fire contract, nothing much else has changed. It doesn’t appear as though Hartford has made any moves to restructure cost associated with employee benefits such as moving to HSA’s  as the City of New Britain recently did.

Although Bronin did promise hiring of Police and Fire personnel to reduce overtime costs, none of that has happened. The October Police Academy class that was promised has never happened and the January recruit class that was promised isn’t even any where near close to happening, and the attrition draws the numbers at HPD lower everyday.

Luckily, even with a thinly stretched Police Department, it is still functioning and Hartford saw one of its best years in lowering Homicide numbers in a few decades. Hartford finished the year with 14 total Homicides for 2016 compared to 31 for 2015. Those reduced numbers though had very little to do with the current Administration and more with the creative efforts of HPD and its leadership under Chief Rovella, although I am confident a press release will be out any day by the Bronin Administration taking credit for reduced crime.

Those efforts still include the results of the Shooting Task Force and the creation of C4 under Rovella’s creativity. C4 is the acronym for the Capitol City Crime Center, which has blanketed the City with technology to reduce crime, including cameras, Shot Spotter technology and license plate readers scanning for criminal activity. Imagine what could be accomplished with the additional Police Officers promised by Bronin if he only came through on his promises. The efforts of C4 have been very successful in reducing crime and identifying violent criminals on our streets

The Bronin promise of hiring 45 firefighters also appears to be a pipe dream of broken promises. Although Bronin had held a dog and pony show last fall to proclaim his plans to hire  45 fire recruits, he knew, or should have known at the time of his announcement that his request for the FEMA grant for the hiring had been rejected and no money was available for the 45 new hires.

And just as a thought, can we also push for regional cooperation and tell our neighbors that they are not eligible to apply for our Fire Department if they aren’t Hartford residents. That sounds a little hypocritical. Lets find the best candidates we can, no matter where they live, and then make it inviting for them to move into Hartford if they wish

Now I know that Bronin inherited a mess, including the baseball stadium, but after a year of failed or poor decisions, Bronin now owns all those  messes. Where are the solutions? What is the plan besides the “sky is falling”?

Regionalism? Good idea but we need partners to buy in on that. Bronin may actually have the right idea moving in that direction, “as goes Hartford, so goes the region” .  The problem being, I would expect more from an attorney who should know he needs to make his case first. Bronin seems to be going around asking for the Jury’s verdict before he even has laid out his case as to why the Jury needs to rule in his favor. It isn’t working and the script never changes.

Walk out to the podium , take off the suit jacket roll up the sleeves and start proclaiming “Hartford is broke” . Where is the leadership by example? Build the case that the tough decisions are being made and Hartford is on a path to tightening its belt and becoming financially responsible and we want our suburban neighbors to buy in as equal partners. We haven’t done that yet and shoving our MDC responsibilities down the throats of our suburban neighbors isn’t going to help.

The cutting needs to continue in every corner of City Hall and nothing should be off limits, if that means bankruptcy to get at Union contracts and benefits , then do it, and shut up. Stop leaving our employees in a state of suspended animation as they await their future. They will get out of here at the first chance they have if they are kept in the dark and we can’t afford to lose any more good employees.

I personally don’t think bankruptcy is the solution as business as usual  remains the same at City Hall and it would take us years to recover from a bankruptcy filing. I think we now have half the members of the Hartford County Bar collecting paychecks from their jobs at City Hall and I have to ask if that is money well spent?

We all know the State of Connecticut is probably in worse shape than Hartford, and we can’t count on any financial help from the Capitol. We also know that City hall didn’t campaign for our next President, so that might be a tough sell to get Washington to open their wallet for us. ( Elections have consequences)

We elected a Mayor to bring leadership to City Hall during what we knew were going to be difficult times, now it is your time to come through with a plan and some workable solutions and put aside the Chicken Little act, it is wearing thin.

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