Monthly Archives: November 2016

Power’s War

An Indie movie “On Demand” via Vimeo

2016 Spur Award Best Documentary Script, Western Writers of America. 2015 Anthem Film Festival Grand Jury Prize. Best Documentary Feature Film Award at the 2015 Eugene International, Jerome 89A and Logan Utah Film Festivals. Official selection of the 2015 Maryland International, Longleaf, Prescott, and West Virginia Filmmakers Film Festivals. “Best Western Documentary” by True West Magazine in their 2015 “Best of the West” issue. 2015 Spotlight Film Silver Award Winner.

An in depth look into one man’s silent protest against American’s entry into the first World War that led to the deadliest shootout in Arizona’s history. Contemporary interviews, archival material, and original artwork come together to tell the the story of a war that pitted the rights of individuals against the growing power of the federal government.

POWER’S WAR is a feature documentary film by director Cameron Trejo that delves deep into the circumstances leading up to and following the controversial Power Shootout during the First World War. Narrated by John Slattery. Featured historians include Heidi Osselaer, Eduardo Pagan, Mark Weitz, Paul Hietter, Marshall Trimble, the Arizona Republic’s Don Dedera, author Thomas Cobb (Crazy Heart), and many descendants of the Power Shootout.
[email protected]

Cast: Beautiful Science

Tags: Power’s War, Power Shootout, Power Brothers, Cameron Trejo, John Slattery, Documentary, Old West, Old West Shooout, Heidi Osselaer and Arizona History

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Trump Affect in CT

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Well the elections are over & Donald Trump has won the popular vote. The electoral college will make in official in Dec.  The inauguration balls will begin on January 20th 2017 after he is sworn in. Word on the internet is that there will be protests planned for that day )0;}

There are people who are planning “DeploraBalls” across the nation since most of us can’t make it down to DC to attend any of the official fancy balls to celebrate. Haven’t heard of any Balls in CT yet but I’m wondering if they will plan one? Would you attend a “DeploraBall” event if one was held in CT?

CT is in a bit of a shock as 2 worlds are colliding – CT Democrats & the liberal followers are crying, angry & in shock at the loss of seats in the general assembly; meanwhile CT GOP is celebrating the wins in the state & that the White House is now safely in the hands of the Republican Party.

 This year in spite of the cheating & lying by the CT Democrats the voters in CT were able to make some wins in the general assembly to start turning the state back onto the road to prosperity once more. Your Votes Counted! In fact so much that there were at least 2 races that went to automatic recounts.button Your Vote Counts round RWB-Stars

While Trump was unable to win in CT with it’s big pockets of #NeverTrumpers that turned former towns from 2012 Red to Blue in 2016, there were several towns that flipped this year from 2012 Blue to Red in 2016.

The towns flipping from Blue to RED blindsided the democrats who are used to ruling over CT as if they are kings & queens over peasants.  There hasn’t been equality in the state senate since the 1800s is what I’ve heard?

The Democrat Activist groups are already meeting & working to take back the state ground they lost & have stated that they plan to keep the anger – a picture of the NoWCT chapter posted 3 days after the election. 



Filed under: #TeamTillett, Business, Civil Rights, Common Core, Education, Employment, Family, Holidays, Life in CT, Spending, Taxes

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Author: TillettForCT

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Marching to Trump Tower [11.9.16]

Tale of 2 Protests – or the major news outlets again not fully reporting the news as it really is…

I am rather surprised by the reactions of the college students that are out here protesting the results of the election.

We’ve been having elections for over 200 years & I do not recall that days after the elections that there have been in previous history such protesting & rioting in the streets as is happening this year? Do you recall this happening in the past years?

I am also more than a little bit concerned at the behaviour of some of the protestors. There is not peaceful all holding hands & chanting or singing but violence & destruction & hatred going on as well…

Not much is reported in the national news with all the reports of vandalism & the physical attacks upon the ordinary citizens?

Livestream on the ground by people posting via social media shows the chaos in some places while there does not seem to be any consequences against these rioters?

Marching uptown to Trump Tower with thousands of other people in New York City. Here are some of the things I saw and captured along the way. [Thanks to Edwin Terrell ( for providing music]

Cast: Derek Beck and Edwin Terrell

Tags: march to trump tower, protest, rally, clinton, trump, notmypresident and new york city

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Native Americans For Trump #OpNoDapl Donald Trump And Republicans pleas…

As we’re counting down the hours until Election Night is done & the last polling place is closed in California so they can start that final count into the early morning consider your vote & work to get others out to vote today

#VoteRowB to change the course we are on.



Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

People of all races are looking at Donald Trump;

As being the one person to change the way that things are being done because they think that being an outsider that Donald will not continue the policies of our current corrupt administration.

Donald seems to be the only one who is actually going out to the places that he hears there is a need for assistance.

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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CT Connection Hillary for Prison

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

With the recent news in CT Politics & the opening of the DNC Convention I thought that I would just share this little video that I made a few months back…

Reminding the voters just who it is that we have running CT & who wants to run our country…

#NeverHillary & Let’s end #MalloysMess in November #VoteRowB to stop the #TaxingTyranny

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Make Connecticut Great Again – UnclePhil2016 #4

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

“Uncle Phil” Balestriere for State Rep is another fine candidate looking to #FixCT & ReBuild it so that we can be great again.

#HadEnough ? 
Then this year do something different & #VoteRowBinCT

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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C is for Clinton TV

Yeah I know I’ve shared this before

but it’s almost election day so as you get ready to go out & cast your vote have this little tune stuck in your head & share it with your family & friends as

A Reminder to Get Out There and VOTE! 

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

A little tune to sing today; as we prepare for the Presidential Debate tonight…

A reminder of some important things & the reason may of us are saying 
#NeverHillary #CrookedHillary

Share on social so that others can be reminded or even just educated about those annoying little facts = youtube link


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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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