Category Archives: #FixCT

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If You Ain’t thought of Murder, You Aint Been in Love @ Bluebird Cafe

#Artful8ths – to celebrate the end of summer I’m resharing my friend Paul’s video enjoy  


Cross Posted Item from another Tillett for CT project

Today my #Artful8ths post is sharing a video of a friend;

Paul “PEZMan1963” Z.; who has left CT )0;}

PEZ; as he is affectionately known by many, left only partly due to the high cost of living…
Like many who have left CT he was sick and tired of getting his pockets picked by our elected officials and the crazy government overreach. 
#MalloysMess has chased many friends and family out of CT

CT’s loss has been a #Win for the Music & TV world 

PEZ transplanted to Nashville and is on his way to #FameAndFortune 

So one day I’m going to get a Signed Copy of his “Gold Record” when he hits it big…

(0;} Then I can brag #IKnewHimWhen {;0)

All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer C. Wrotnowski B.Tillett Co-Treasurers Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Happy Independence Day 2017

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend

From our family to yours Happy Independence Day

Celebrate Freedom and Liberty this July 4th

Please be safe while swimming, and BBQing

Please Don’t Drink and Drive this weekend

Always use safety precautions if you will be using fireworks this summer


Welcome President Trump Rally in CT 5-17-17

There is a Welcome to CT President Trump Rally scheduled for early

Wednesday morning come starting at 7:30 am,

May 20th, 2017!

It’s supposed to be a beautiful day full of sunshine so if you are in the area grab your lawn chairs and your picnic blankets and your favorite Trump Supporting shirt or sign.

We’ll Welcome President Trump as he heads over to the Coast Guard Academy graduation ceremonies bright and early. Let’s celebrate our First Amendment rights to Freely Assemble and Speak.

Coffee and donuts will be available from 7:30 until 9

The speakers at McKinley park will begin at 10am

Grab your children and your younger relatives from college classes, everyone can either go in late, taking an Educational Day Off from school.

It’s #MAGA time (0;} If you’re in CT, NY head on over or in lower Mass carpool down and enjoy a day of celebration in McKinley Park, New London CT next to the Coast Guard Academy.


Come out to Welcome President Trump to CT & celebrate Free Speech

Be certain to Share on Social


Welcome Trump Rally 5-17-17

Be certain to share on social with all your friends and family!



Coalition Building – Can we work together?

Can the Right and the Left build bridges and coalitions to be able to make the state and maybe the country a better place?

Can we find common ground to start from to solve some of the problems we face?

Map of CT Divided into 5 Congressional Districts

Map of CT Divided into 5 Congressional Districts


Can Conservatives, Republicans, Unaffiliated, Independents, Democrats & Liberals find the common ground & work together to solve the many problems in our state and country is a question that I’ve been mulling around since last week when 2 democrats showed up at a conservative meeting in late Feb that was accidently posted publicly comparing it to the town hall meetings where the “Indivisible” group members were in a “Lovefest” with the democrats vs the Bullying that was done at the republican town hall meetings….

I have friends and family that are democrats as well as republican, libertarian and unaffiliated like most of us do and when it’s a one on one discussion even if we do not agree 100% on the issues we can talk civilly and agree to disagree on some items all of the people I know agree that the destruction of property that is being shown is just plain wrong.

One thing that I have noticed is that my right leaning friends know more about many of the issues but my left leaning ones do not. In fact it seems that my left leaning friends are surprised to hear about some of the issues because they’ve not been told about the items which are the problems because the media many times do not cover an issue in full or at all…

Many times the issues that the right side groups have are not spoken about in the media or if they are the media has such a warped coverage that it’s more “propaganda” than actual news coverage…

While the leaders of the right have no real outreach into the public their message and information is not getting out to the public but the leaders of these left-wing groups have the megaphones of the liberal left-wing media newspapers, television news and radio.

One question is why is only the left-wing given the ear of the public that the right just does not have? Where can people go to get educated on both sides of the issues?

How can people work together when the proper information is not put in front of them so that Informed Decisions can be made by the public? When people have both sides of an issue we can talk about what the problems are and how we can solve the problems.

What are your thoughts about what can be done to correct this problem? Leave your thoughts below in the comments.

Other important questions you should ask yourself is “Who Benefits from an Misinformed or Under-Informed Public?” and “Why are the media going along with this?”.


Election Day – 8am Did You Vote Yet?

Reminder It’s a Special Election Today

So I’m sharing the reminder post from last year’s election


Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Have you gone out to vote yet?

The polls opened at 6am so they’ve been opened for a while you still have some time but PLEASE make a serious effort to get out & VOTE!

If you have already voted GREAT now call a friend & those members in your household that are registered to vote to remind them to go out & VOTE too!

#VoteRowB to end the #TaxingTyranny !

button Your Vote Counts round RWB-Stars
Filed under: #TeamTillett, Business, Civil Rights, Constitution, Elections, Family, Life in CT, Questions, Spending, Taxes Tagged: #CTGOP, #CTPolitics, #GOTV, 2016, Business, Education, Family, Jobs, Taxes

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Author: TillettForCT

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The Pinch

Sharing this repost from last year because the New General Assembly members are now officially seated & they need encouragement & reminder calls about why we voted for them to be in office

The democrats have been in power for many decades, some of them have been in office for longer than 30 years. They have gotten arrogant in their attitudes & they have grown protective of their expensive pet projects that benefit only their crony friends while putting our families at both financial as well as physical risk.

The democrats have gotten to be experts at both spending our tax money on wasteful projects & luxury items for themselves but additionally they have become experts in hiding the true costs when they roll items up & put them into the bonding.

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

Call your elected officials at the state capitol this week

Tell them to Work on Balancing the Budget by making the cuts that are needed instead of cutting services that help our families.
Now is the time for our elected officials to get to work towards starting the much needed downsizing of our government.
They can start by cutting the extra expenses that they have forced us to pay for like big cuts to the CEP Program.
The CEP aka Citizens Election Program gives taxpayer money to the candidates that have “qualified” by raising certain levels of money. The amount varies by race & party but the amounts are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for state senate & state rep positions & in the millions for the statewide races.
That money can be better spent making certain that we have the needed services for the families that are needed.

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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CT Victory Party Thank You Message

 THANK YOU to everyone that attended

I’m sharing the eventbrite thank you message that was sent out because we didn’t get everyone’s email addresses who paid cash at the door

A Message from the Hostess:

Thank you for coming to the CT Vistory Party last night. I do hope that you enjoyed the evening as much as I did having you there.

It was surprising to have our party crashed by channel 61 & 30 News Teams.

My son was able to find the link for the channel 61 clip but not the channel 30 clip.

If you find the clip from channel 30 please share it with us.

I hope that you’ll share your pictures & video clips with us on the

G+ Event

or the

Facebook event page

Looking at a brighter future for our nation & hopefully our state as well.


Mrs Theresa Tillett

po box 602, Windsor, CT 06095


If you have any commets or suggestions for future events please feel free to contact me