Category Archives: #FreshNewStart

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1st Congressional CT GOP Governor Candidate Debate Video

The CT GOP is trying something new this election season with the governorship at stake…

For the first time they had on Facebook Live streaming on both the Fox61 & CT GOP pages the video streaming of some of their candidates debating.

 First Congressional District Governor Candidate Debate at the Windsor Public High School 6pm to 9pm .

Only a few of the candidates were up on stage because they met the fundraising qualifications set by the party chairman. My understanding is that $75,000.00 minimum had to have been raised to be invited to the debate. There is a combination of both Declared as well as those who only have Exploratory Committees.

Declared Governor Candidate Joe Visconti who did not meet the fundraising qualifications was doing a competing Live Stream on his facebook page so that his critique of the candidates, their answers and some rebuttal to the debate questions – this is similar to what Jill Stein did back in 2016 when she was excluded from the debates.

Below is the video of the debate so that you can watch.

The CT GOP Chairman had a private poll after the debate which the results are being touted on the CT GOP facebook page but sadly the wider republican voting body was not privy to that poll which is quite disappointing. I hope that a better for CT GOP members poll will be emailed out for a true measure of who are the debate winners.


  • – The hashtag for the debates and 2018 will be #VoteDemOut – 
    • – Additional hashtags for 2018 #FixCT #AFreshNewStart –
    • – #WinningByWorkingTogether – 


Windsor Please Write in Paul Panos on 11-7-17

I’m not certain of the process to officially be a 

“Write In Candidate” or how a draft campaign works 


But I am going to

Write in Paul Panos 

for the Windsor Board of Ed 

Why you ask would I write in a candidate that dropped off the ballot… because I know that he cares about the education of our children and he is willing to fight for the wiser spending of our tax dollars at the Windsor public school system…

He was initially on the ballot but he stepped down because he had surgery that was preventing him from the campaigning around the town that needed to be done. 

I’m writing in Paul Panos for Board of Ed 
because I think that if enough of us do write him in, 
now that he’s feeling better and able to get around that 
he will agree to serve for another term!
Help me test my theory and 

Write in Paul Panos for Board of Ed on Nov 7th 2017!

Tell ALL your family and friends to 
Write in Paul Panos for Board of Ed

Please Share

Below is a campaign video from 2016
when he ran for State Rep in the 5th District…



Today in History for September 8th

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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If You Ain’t thought of Murder, You Aint Been in Love @ Bluebird Cafe

#Artful8ths – to celebrate the end of summer I’m resharing my friend Paul’s video enjoy  


Cross Posted Item from another Tillett for CT project

Today my #Artful8ths post is sharing a video of a friend;

Paul “PEZMan1963” Z.; who has left CT )0;}

PEZ; as he is affectionately known by many, left only partly due to the high cost of living…
Like many who have left CT he was sick and tired of getting his pockets picked by our elected officials and the crazy government overreach. 
#MalloysMess has chased many friends and family out of CT

CT’s loss has been a #Win for the Music & TV world 

PEZ transplanted to Nashville and is on his way to #FameAndFortune 

So one day I’m going to get a Signed Copy of his “Gold Record” when he hits it big…

(0;} Then I can brag #IKnewHimWhen {;0)

All Rights Reserved 2014 – 16 Tillett for CT campaign Treasurer C. Wrotnowski B.Tillett Co-Treasurers Approved by Mrs Theresa Tillett

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Today in History for August 26th

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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Today in History for August 25th

Cross posted item from another Tillett4CT project

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Author: Tillett for Connecticut

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CT Victory Party Thank You Message

 THANK YOU to everyone that attended

I’m sharing the eventbrite thank you message that was sent out because we didn’t get everyone’s email addresses who paid cash at the door

A Message from the Hostess:

Thank you for coming to the CT Vistory Party last night. I do hope that you enjoyed the evening as much as I did having you there.

It was surprising to have our party crashed by channel 61 & 30 News Teams.

My son was able to find the link for the channel 61 clip but not the channel 30 clip.

If you find the clip from channel 30 please share it with us.

I hope that you’ll share your pictures & video clips with us on the

G+ Event

or the

Facebook event page

Looking at a brighter future for our nation & hopefully our state as well.


Mrs Theresa Tillett

po box 602, Windsor, CT 06095


If you have any commets or suggestions for future events please feel free to contact me